Welcome to C.S.O.E.T.A (Connecticut Study of Extra-Terrestrial Activity)
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We are a self started self funded group that wish to help solve that age old question "Are we alone in the Universe"? The answer "NO"!! For years people have been reporting UFO's. Alot say that there is no such thing. That it is a secret government craft being test flown. well this maybe be the case alot of times "NOW". but what about the times back before there were aircrafts. on August 3 989 there were three round objects of high brilliance sighted in the sky and later merged together. Now how can you explian that!! That was no government test flight thats for sure!! Even today yes there are alot of sightings that arnt real, but there is a percentage that are and thats what we need to focus on. We need to open our eyes and our minds or we are not going to be prepared for the future confontation that is in store for us.
I am looking for people to help me gater information on this subject. any help would be appreciated. I can be contacted by the email below. please send and information or questions you have to that address. thank you.
Alien varieties
Laws regarding ET's
UFO Glossery
Are these ET skulls?
Links to other UFO and related sites on the Web
This is Karens homepage. she is a researcher in New Zealand.
Non ufo related sites
My buddy jims homepage. check it out. it's worth a look
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