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The World According to the Prince of Yo

Hello! I am The Prince of Yo. (As in Yo-yo.)
I have finally moved in and will be changing small things all the time, so you should check back often. Please sign the guestbook and after that,please see what other people have thought up to now.

My interests are:
The Internet
Praising God
Meeting new people
Playing Acrophobia

The description of my page is:
Star Wars
Star Trek

I dedicate this page to my youth group leader who has pretty much done all the HTML for me, the person who invented the yo-yo, the timeless game of Paper, Rock, Scissors, and all the wonderful people who commit themselves to the Spam mines in southern Utah.

Email me at in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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The Mattoon Web Ring

This Mattoon Web Ring site is owned by princeofyo
E-mail me here!!.

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