
This is a small section that is here to explain what is Wicca and Witchcraft are all about.
I've gathered things from all kinds of places, and finally edited them in my own way of believe. Keep in mind that every Wiccan or Witch has her/his own sets of believes, and although we all follow the same path, and some definitions abide to all, others don't.
I suggest that if this is the first time you hear about Witches, start at the first item on the list. Notice that the things here are very much alike other Wiccan rules, but not identical.

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 Wicca is a relatively new religion, built on the roots of Witchcraft, renewed mostly, but not only by Gerald Gardner. It is a growing and developing religion.

 Once upon a time there were Witches :-). Witches were mostly women (although not always, and today that certainly isn't the case), and most were taught the Craft of the Wise by their mothers and grandmothers. They believed in themselves, had deep love for nature, and believed in balance (every action has a reaction). They found ways to use the energy lines swirling around us and connecting us to achieve desired goals. They were known, respected, and loved in the older days as the healers, the dreamers, the future tellers and the raisers of spirits from parallel worlds. They worked for the good of the community, working with the power of Love, not the wepon of fear.

All that changed when the christians appeared. These wise women were hunted, forced into secrecy, and blamed that they were evil women who do harmful spells, the dark time of the Witch trials began. Many Witches were forced to hide, convert, or were killed, many abandoned their way of life, many lives and sacred believes were lost, or kept hidden.

That all changed not 50 years ago when in a few places in the world Witchcraft was starting to appear above the surface again. Today as ever, Witchcraft is about manipulating energy and seeking to find balance and harmony in this life. Witches use their affinity for the varied life forms on this planet, to attain those goals.

 Wicca, on the other hand, is a religion that is based on that ancient way of life, but in a diffrent way, Wiccans turned these old ways into a religion, the balance (for every action there's a reaction) represents itself in Wicca as the main aspect that build the beliefe system. Wiccans believe that from the Universe formed two equal and yet opposite forces, the Goddess and God, and they united to create us. Actually all small deities (taken from different pantheons and mythologies in the world) Wiccans so many times use in their spell working (yes, that's the "to attain specific goals"), are actually an easier way to focus on one aspect/ sort of energy of the Goddess or God, and through them the energy of the whole universe. Wiccans carry the heavy responsibility of being able to affect the world, of being able to change a specific outcome, they are responsible for their action, should anything go wrong and they are also responsible to the affects their actions might have on other people.

 Got so far and still confused? Lets summaries it all: Wiccans are a new 'form' of Witches. Wiccans believe in balance (for every action there is a reaction). They believe that all life is connected (they love, respect and preserve the Earth). They have two main 'Gods', the Goddess and the God, and they use energy to do Spells to achieve their goals (that's the fun part). We use the assistance of deities (small Gods) that are actually particular aspects of the Goddess and God, to help us in our magick.

 What else? Wiccans celebrate 8 'holidays' a year, 4 Sabbats and 4 Esbbats, according to the seasons' changing. We also celebrate according to the moon's state (Full, Dark or New), which represent the Great Goddess and the 3 stages in life: death life and re-birth.

 Wiccans believe in their internal power (we have the power to change the world), and as each individual adds his/her unique touch, the religion grows with him/her, adding a mark that will change it forever. We have the power given to us by the Goddess and God as a sacred gift to use and cherish.

Today Wicca is one of the biggest Pagan religions in the world. And is still growing into a beautiful community, spread all around the world, today we gather, we celebrate the Earth, we meet friends, we get involved with the environment and we make a difference.

This part is still small but more will come soon!

Shamanism is in a way a much simpler believe. The main source for Shamanism influence today is the Native American Tribes, but Shamanism existed in alsmot every part of the world in diffrent ways.

Shamanism is the way of the singel Healer and Wise man in the tribe. Shamanism has an even closer 'ties' to the Earth itself, using nature Animal Totems as their Sacred Forces and energies and preforming healing and teaching for the good of the community.


An it harms None do as thou Wilt

This is the one law that cannot be changed, and must always be kept.
A Witch will never do anything to cause harm to another or herself, not only because of this law, but because we are attuned with the Universe, and connected to all lives, Earth and the Stars. To afflict harm to one of those, will be breaking the now even more fragile balance of the Universe.

"Harm", is defined "physical or mental damage" and to this we add psychic damage as well. Known as "The Craft of the Wise", we make our own choices, and we make them carefully.

Witches believe that we, as humans, write, play and choose our own life, we do not believe in destiny, nor do we believe that 'God' is choosing for us, WE are the ones who make our choices, WE are the ones who choose. A witch will NEVER do any spell on someone that takes away his/her free will (e.g- make someone fall in love with you.).

All the spells witches do always ends up with the phrase "for the good of all, and the harm of none".


This is the give-take most basic rule of witchcraft, and another one good reason not to send out bad energies, for they will come back at you three times stronger!
The same works for good energy, it will also come back to us, stronger.
Another version of this law is:

Ever mind the rule of three
three times what thou given returns to thee
thee only get what thee earn


"Hear now the word of the Witches, the secrets we hid in the night,
When dark was our destiny pathway, that now we bring forth in the light.

Mysterious Water and Fire, the Earth and the wide- ranging air,
By hidden Quintessence we know them,and we will keep silent and

The birth and rebirth of all Nature, the passing of Winter and Spring,
We share with the life Universal, rejoice in the Magical Ring.

Four times in the year the Great Sabbat returnes,and the Witches are
At Lammas and Candelas dancing, on May Eve and old Halloween.

When daytime and nighttime are equal, when sun is at greatest and least,
The four lesser Sabbats are summoned, again Witches gathering feast.

Thirteen silver moons in a year are, thirteen in the Covens array,
Thirteen times at Esbat make merry, for each golden year and a day.

The power had passed down the ages, each time between woman and man,
Each century unto the other, where times and ages began.

When drawn is the Magical circle, by sword or theme of power,
Its compass between two worlds lies, in the land of shades of that hour.

The world beyond will tell naught,
The olds Gods invoke there, the great work of Magic is wrought.

For two are the mystical pillars, that stand at the gate of the shrine,
And two are the powers of Nature, the forms and forces divine.

And do what thou wilt will be the challange,so be it in love that harms none,
For this is the only commandment, by Magic of old be it done!

Eight words the Witches Rede fulfill:
If it harms none, do what thou will!"


1. The divine Spirit is present in all creatures and things.

2.The ultimate creative force manifests in both feminine and masculine modes; therefore it is often
   symbolized as the Goddess and The God. All Goddesses and Gods are aspects of The Goddess and
   The God.

3.There is no holy book, or prophet, no equivalent of the Bible or Jesus or
  Mohammed. Individuals have access to the divine, and do not require an
  intermediary. Every initiate is regarded as a priest/ess.

4. We recognize the the Creation of this world was done by two forces: masculine & feminine, and the
   fact that we all have that power. We value none above the other, knowing each to be supported by
   one another.

5.Though Wicca is a valid spiritual path, it is not the only one. There is no
   recruiting, and people should be free to choose the path that best fits their needs.

6.We should live in harmony with the Earth and Nature, and not exploit them.

7. The concepts of original sin, sacrifice, redemption, confession, the divinity of
   Jesus, sinfulness of sex, Judgment, Heaven and Hell, denigration of women, bodily resurrection, and
   the Bible as divine revelation are not part of Wicca. Neither are Satanism, the Black Mass, desecration
   of cemeteries, the sacrifice of animals, etc.


1. Know yourself.
2. Know your Craft.
3. Learn.
4. Apply knowledge with wisdom.
5. Achieve balance.
6. Keep your words in good order.
7. Keep your thought in good order.
8. Celebrate life.
9. Attune with the cycles of the Earth.
10. Breath and eat correctly.
11. Exercise your body.
12. Meditate
13. Honor the Goddess and God.

(Scott Cunningham)

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