Insania 1998 Presents The Rose

           Insania 1998Insania 1998

Character Profile


Height:6 foot two
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Other Distingushing Features: Partial to leather lilac masks.


Richard Fisk is the son of Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin. Raised without knowledge of his father's
criminal activities, Richard was shocked to discover how his family's fortune was made. Vowing
to bring his father to justice, Richard became the crime-lord known as the Schemer. The Schemer
targeted and directly attacked the Kingpin's minions, leading to a confrontation with the Kingpin
himself. Faced with his father, Richard unmasked. His son's betrayal briefly unhinged the
Kingpin's mind. Remorseful, Richard joined H.Y.D.R.A. to try and regain his father's respect.
When H.Y.D.R.A. was brought down by Captain America, Richard was nearly killed. Only a
bizarre exchange of life forces with Spider-Man saved him.

For many years Richard stayed out of sight. He never got over his initial revulsion at the Kingpin's
career, and eventually returned as the Rose, a crime-lord under the Kingpin's control. In reality,
Richard was trying to undermine the organization from within with the help of his friends Alfredo
Morelli and Ned Leeds. Richard's plans fell into disarray when a gang war started. During one
shoot-out Richard killed a police officer, an act that represented a point of no return for him. Then
Ned Leeds was murdered while on assignment for Berlin. Disillusioned, Richard openly joined his
father's organization.

Richard could not long countenance the Kingpin's methods, however. He hatched an elaborate
plan with Alfredo to make the Kingpin think he was ready to follow in the family business. Since
Alfredo had actual combat experience, he was tapped to become the inside man. Undergoing
plastic surgery to look like Richard, Alfredo began to climb the ladder of power within the
organization. When the Kingpin was brought down by DareDevil and H.Y.D.R.A, Alfredo
refused to let go of the ruse and took over as the new Kingpin. Richard adopted yet another
identity, that of Blood Rose, and began a Punisher-esque style of open warfare against the gangs.
In Web of Spider-Man 100, Alfredo and Blood Rose nearly finished each other. Richard entered
the Witness Protection Program after that.

The Rose is again a crimelord in New York. Although assumed to be Richard Fisk, that hasn't
been definitively shown to be true as yet.

Biographical Data


Real Name: Richard Fisk
Current Occupation: Crime Lord
Citizenship: America
Legal Status: No criminal record
Place of Birth: America
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Wilson and Vanessa Fisk, parents
Known Confidants: Ned Leeds, Alfredo Morelli, and his sometime girlfriend Dina
Known Allies: The Hobgoblin
Major Enemies: Spider-Man and the Kingpin
Usual Base of Operations: New York City
Former Base of Operations: None
Current Group Membership: None
Former Group Membership: None
Extent of Education: Some college

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