Cool links and my friend's page's


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By clicking on the above link, you will be taken to Too Sweeet's dedication to her main man, Kevin Nash. I would love to tell you all about the real giant of wrestling, but I'll tell you what, I'll let her do it. This page also includes many wave and midi files that are related to the New World Order and its many members. On this page you will also find many interesting links related to wrestling and her friends. Finally, this page was awarded the Symbiote Award on the 27th of December 1997.

Well, the first time I visited this page I thought that I was going to get lots of information on the four members that make up World Championship Wrestling's Four Horsemen. Instead I found a page that was mainly dedicated to his friends on the internet and their links. I also found a few links to his favorite Baseball and football team's pages. This page impressed me because it was mainly about others and not just about what he likes and dislikes. The lack of ego on this page is what makes it one of my favorites. Check it out. Oh and by the way, Silverflair is noted as being the master of HTML....hmmmm.

Just like Silverflair's page, RZA's page is not about himself. If you have a few hours to kill you should consider visiting this November 27th 1997 Symbiote award winning home page. It covers just about every major sport that you can think of from Hockey to Basketball and it also includes many links to his friends pages, music pages and of course the HWO. This page is loaded with information on different subjects that could keep you busy for days. I consider RZA a true friend. He is always there when you need him.  


Sandman is my partner in cyber crime! The only man who can match the brains of The Punisher. Well okay, almost match the brains of The Punisher, but hey, good enough. His page is mostly dedicated to two things. If you feel like getting Extreme, this is the page for you. He has lots of information on Extreme Championship Wrestling as well as their pay per views. His page also has a section devoted to the HWO.

This page is brought to you by the leader of the Hart World Order. As you can guess by the name this guy is a big Bret Hart fan. His page is loaded with opinions and facts about the HWO and Bret Hart. This page is defiantly not for the weak at heart. Parental supervision is required!


Pak is a member of the HWO and his page is dedicated to the wrestling fan. This page is very interesting and worth a look.

Time to throw you people off a little. This page is my mother's Home Page that I built for her on her birthday as a gift. She loves dogs, especially West Highland Terriors, so take a guess at what this page is all about. So if you love them furry little yappy critters then head on over to this page for hints, tips and information about her favorite breed of dogs.

NWONELLY316, by his own admission, he aint no stud muffin but boy can this fellow Trekker build a whoop ass of a home page. Nelly has many pages which cover many different subjects but I chose to link up his tribute to the late Brian Pillman page. This page was the first ever winner of the Symbiote Award on Oct 27th 1997. Nelly and myself have quit a bit in common. He likes the same bands that I do and not to mention the fact that I respect any man who's religion happens to be Star Trek.

 That's all I have for now but there are many more pages that will be added to this section as links. However, in order to keep with the format of the page, if you wish me to link your page, send me the link to your banner and I'll add it along side the others as soon as I can.