Insania 1998 Present's Juggernaut



He was granted invulrability when he recieved the powers of the mystical Gem of Cytorrak. He also gained unmeasurable strength, this put along with speed, agililty, and a seemingly never ending desire for destruction makes him on of the toughest characters in the marvel
universe. He also has a suit made of indestructable material and a helmet that is also indestuctible. It makes him immune to telepathic mental attacks. He is one of the X-Men's first enemies, and with out a doubt, the toughest to handle when it comes to brute

He found the Gem of Cytorrak in an a cave on an archeological sight, it was hidden and never meant to be found but was. This granted him unimaginable power, power that he has used in the wrong ways and has really made him a thorn in the side to the X-Men. He is the step brother of Charles Xavier, founder of the X-Men, and for a long time has had chip of jealousy on his shoulder from their their child hood. Although Charles never
wronged Cain Marko, Cain feels as though he was neglected due to the marriage of Xavier's mom and Cain's dad, and Charles recieved all the attention, so now Cain feels that he should get revenge for a petty child hood discrepincy, even after he bullied
and picked on Charles while growing up. This explains his one demensional, bully, brute attitude that he has had for as long as he has been known.

He has has many conflicts with many different people, and has went toe to toe with the heaviest hitters around, Hulk, Nimrod, Thing, Abomination, Spiderman, Rhino, Venom, Collosus, Warpath, and several others, and fought to a win or to a stand still. He has also taken on teams all by his lonesome, teams such as X-Force and X-Men. He, teamed up with Black Tom Cassidy, defeated X-Force with impunity, Juggernaught hardly broke a
sweat and right at the conclusion of the battle, he was teleported away by Deadpool, against his will. His pal, Black Tom was thought to have been killed at the hands of Cable, but wasn't.

He was pretty much undefeated when it came to battle, until a run in with Onslaught, he had the tar beat out of him and was then hurled from Canada to New Jersey, their, with weakend from Onslaught he forught, Bishop, Beast, and Psylocke. He got his hits in on them but was eventually taken down after Bishop hit him with 10,000 volts of electricity. After wich he was taken to the X-Mansion were he was detained, locked away, but he was too terrified of Onslaught to stick around, so he broke out and was on the run, but first smashed his way into a bar where Wolverine and Cannonball where at. He kicked the crap out of cannonball while drinking a keg of beer and then stared down Wolverine. Their
would have been a battle but he was to afraid Onslaught would find him so he bolted out after telling Wolverine told him "I have seen your future, and it aint pretty!". This he said on the run and to this point, hasn't been explained.

Onslaught eventually caught him and tore the crystal from him so that he was no longer bonded to it. Then he was put inside the gem by Onslaught and was torchured by him. Then he had to deal with Spite, a servant of Cytorrak, the mystcal creature that was in the
Gem for so long, she brought Juggernaught to him. The powerless Juggernaught had to battle this powerful being, fighting against the power he had in his possetion for so long. He was fighting to survive, while Cytorrak was trying to claim his human body so that
he could get out of the gem once and for all. He was beating Cain Marko into a bloody pulp and Gorrum, one of the two men that had the gem originally, used a "leech" to siphon the power from Cytorrak into Cain Marko, this healed him and gave him back his immortal powers, and then some. The reborn Juggernaut used this power to destroy Cytorrak, making him the sole recipient of all of this overwhelming power, making him bigger and batter than ever before. this cam with a price though, it was said that his power give him a never endeing need for destruction that will destroy all that exists. I can't wait to see what he does with all of this extra power and rage, only time will tell.

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