Felipe - 09/22/00 06:24:36
My Email:fmorales17@hotmail.com
I like what I see here. You got a good webstyle. Hope I can do as well. Should've warn me about the first true story being a ghost story. It sent chills up my spine near midnight.
Sal, my friend! Gosh, I have missed you! I tried to reach you to no avail. Hope all is well in your realm. I have much to share when we chat, which I hope can be soon. Please write! Love you always, my Sal gal! (here's hoping you check this often!!!!!)
Ray - 04/17/00 06:39:19
My URL:http://community-2.webtv.net/Enigma25/EnigmasParanormal0/
My Email:Genesis_99@webtv.net
You have a great site here, I really like the use of the bulletin board as a site navigator - very creative! Please accept my invitation to visit my paranormal website and to sign my guestbook. Keep up the great work!
WOW! you have a really awsome website! I hope you don't mind me putting a link to you on my website. Also, do you mind if i steal a few ideas from you? you can steal some ideas from me too...although i have disabled right click, so you'll have to ask me t
give you stuff if you want it. you rock chica!
Laura the web chic
COOL SITE,Can you send me the one pic of that "I want to Believe"Poster? thanx
This is a great page. I love your graphics!
border=0 alt="X-Files and MST3K by Rachael" width=50
Sally you haven't changed THANK GOD give me an e-mail sometime..it's been way to long, have missed you. Candy Queen of M.C Fur and all she surveys!!!
You have a very nice site. Linda Linn's Kentucky Home and ghost stories
I cannot read the case files. How come it won't let you the bottom of the pages? It's not very good to get only half the story.
Sal! I miss ya! You got the Xena page up! Yeah!
Call me at work some time and I will give you my
home number. Jen and I are not together anymore...
Love ya!
Sally you are damn cool!!!!! write me..
The angel with the scabbed wings...
This page is awesome! I like your front image map-it's really creative. Cool page-keep it up!
Very cool sweetheart. Oh by the way how often do Klingons mate? U know who...catch you on the flip side:)
Hey,I just wanted to give you my home page address before I forgot.
Talk to you later :)
so when are they going to do a X-files and XENA crossover tv show where XENA defeats the aliens and joxer and scullie get together and gabrielle gets kidnapped by the alien leader ARES. this is a great site u did a very good job on it. love ya much.
Have any of you ever noticed how much Howard Hughes resembled the (this spelling is a guess) Ayatola Kuhmeni? Did any of you ever see them together in the same room at the same time? Ever notice how Clark Kent isn't around when Superman is at work? Coi
cidence? Guess again!
My daughter loves the x-files. I found your sight and passed it along to her to enjoy. I did too.
my daughter loves the x-files. i found your sight and passed it along to her to enjoy. i did to.
HI! I have finally had time to check your web page out! It has "Sally" written all over it. You or Mark need to get a hold of my boss (Michele) to start a web site. She needs one bad! I still have that lovely "Carnage Crew" sign. It is actually just
collecting dust, leaning up against my wall. So if you really want it just get a hold of me. I am now willing to give it up! But anyways, just get a hold of me or Michele at my work-Merry Minstrel Singing Telegrams at Tampa-876-4057/St. Pete-447-3456 o
Orlando-896-1104. They will all reach either of us at work. We are always working, morning, noon, or night. Hope to hear from you soon!!!!!
your awesome love the page
I found you, you sneaky little wench...Hee hee. I hope to see you soon. Love and miss ya'
Hey Sally,
Christina H. told me to check out your web page. It's pretty cool. Well, see ya later.
Carla A.K.A. Medea
Hey there, oh Warrior Babe in FBI clothing! Just thought your little godling of love would tumble down into the basement once again. Still as entertaining as before, but for some strange reason at a lack for cob webs. Must be getting lots of traffic!
alk with ya soon!
Hi, Scullie-
Just wanted to tell you I really enjoyed your Web page. Very cool and nicely done. My page pretty much sucks in layout and load time, but I just haven't had the time to redo it since I learned how to do real stuff with it. So if you check it out, be warne
Anyway, great job. I think I'll bookmark you!
Trust no one,
hey! This is me, the undead sailor, from carnage crew. I am the one you always would run into when you changed shifts. I was just browsing to see what interesting ss.frightanic photos you had. Hope to see you next year, if I am still here!!!
nice page. The graphoc design is exceptional. Keep up the good work!
hey sally, how do i make it play music??? good site. i love it! is there a link to the halloween page yet??
Love always,
Sailor and her husband the cook.
Love your page!
Karen Lyster
UFO Researcher
New Zealand
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
You're site awesome !!!
The Basement is one of my favorte sites
Cindy - 09/18/98 00:06:54 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
I found your site by following the Ring of the Moon. Cute site!
I hope you'll visit my site, too!
After you signed my guestbook, I took a look at your site. It is really great site and I bookmarked it also.
Finally found my way back! Really miss you. I have tried to get in touch. Please let me hear from you. Your site is great. It has really come a long way since the first time
Love ya!!
Miss Ya!!!I finally found someone who has E:Mail.
Drop me a line.
Cool page. Visit mine!!
hi sis i sign the page woooohoooooo
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Welcome to our ragtag fleet love! Hope you enjoy nutballs, cuz there's alot of em at this house (myself included *smile*). When yer a kick ass fighter like Xena we can hit Wrong and die like Lennie :)
Cool page. Good use of graphics and layout.
wo! ... sweet page, i also want to belive now that i have seen your page
Ach, lass! I've been remiss in signin' yer page! I guess it's time ta visit th' spankin' machine!! Please???
Incredible job, keep up the good work, and the government 'll shut you down.
You Got A Kick Ass site. feel free to check out mine.
You Got A Kick Ass site. feel free to check out mine.
okay this is spooky your birthday is one day before mine *S* Anyways thanks for singing my book and your page Rocks btw *S*
Wassup? Surfed in to give the site a look....guess I gotta get off my hump and slap one together too....looks cool, suppose you're adding more stuff to it....write me if you get a chance...got lots to tell ya! Later!!
Hey Scullie ~
I really enjoyed my visit to your site.... I am a X-philer myself :) Keep it up!
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Hi, Sal! Boy, do I miss you! I finally found your web site. I am a little slow but then you knew that.
Jen - 04/28/98 20:56:25
My Email:bandelara@hotmail.com
Hi Sal! Just stopping by to say hey! See ya soon!
Gillian Skywalker - 03/24/98 05:09:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/9914/
My Email:gillianskywaker@hotmail.com
Hi. You have a really interesting site.
Ron P. Gaerlan - 03/04/98 14:43:08
My Email:ronpg@philonline.com.ph
Kristie D. - 02/07/98 02:13:27
YO! Call me! Cool page. Will be at MK, EC window. Go Buffy. Willow rocks. (< comment from kelmie)
kelmie - 02/07/98 02:08:55
My Email:kelmie
Your page rocks.
Christine - 01/27/98 22:29:14
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/cbfreeman/index.htm
My Email:cbfreeman
I like your page. I never miss an episode of the X-piles. I have bookmarked your page. Check out mine. I'm going to add a page for interesting web sites, would you like to be on it? :)
- 01/15/98 02:41:19
My Email:cc@iag.net
See you tomorrow. Good job!!
cc - 01/15/98 02:35:30
My Email:cc@iag.net
This is great. See you Thrusday> ME!!
Jerry Witman Jr. - 01/15/98 00:38:48
My Email:Chwbcc
Howdy, I'm here checking out the place and I was wondering if I could get a postcard or something? See you around The Web
Mulder - 01/09/98 22:09:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/rapids/4027
My Email:fhscc@infinet.com
Hello, i'm agent mulder from the x-files. not really but i've just seen every espisode like twennty times. got to go, bye now
It's me, 3 - 01/08/98 04:14:01
Zaekyn the Magister - 01/07/98 23:05:17
My URL:Coming Soon!
My Email:zaekyn@aol.com
Agent Scullie....hey, is this thing on?! Oh...it is...oops. Greetings, Agent Scullie, it's nice to see you've joined the electronic realm of the net. Welcome to our playground, your site is sure to be an asset to the Palace! Had fun...laters beautiful
dforce & shhadow1 - 01/06/98 03:23:25
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members2/precomp/index.html
My Email:dforce@inspace.net
Just thought we would drop in and say Howdy Web Neighbor ( how ever that is spelled ??? )
Kallysta - 01/03/98 18:15:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kallysta
My Email:kallysta@geocities.com
Great site. Just remember: They're watching you.
Lycaeon the Arrogant - 12/04/97 23:25:24
My URL:http://www.pinellas.com/~lycaeon/
My Email:lycaeon@pinellas.com
What a cool site. I'll definitely be back again and again and again and again and again... Remember never sleep in the same room with a hotel bible.
Scullie - 11/22/97 20:08:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/4946
My Email:scullie19@hotmail.com
I love my page!