part of the small intestine between the duodenum and ileum in mammals.

I am a student of biomedical science and a post grad of applied science

Over the next year, I will fill this page with links to the Sci-fi world and any other available worlds.

In the mean time have a look at "Estariols page"

This page contains links to

This home page is held in hommage to Mel , Lars , Neal and all the other turkeys I studied with.

Hail the ducky!

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This page and its associated links are designed to act as a resource for students of Biomedical Science and related disciplines.

Have a look at my friends recombinant DNA technology page.

I think humor is very important especially sarcasm so I will set up a links page for any good pages that I can find.

One of my favourite short stories is John Wyndham's , Day of the Triffids ,its a post-apocalyptic view of the earth and shows how man's greed and stupidity leads to his undoing.

JOSH Here is your fine micro essay. This is a link to a pic page of the bobs I lived with in Coleraine.

My friend introduced me to the discworld about three years ago , since then I have been under the spell of many characters such as "Granny Weatherwax", "Death" and "The Luggage".

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