Photo Gallery
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          This photo was taken using a Nikkomat camera with a Nikkor 55mm, f-3.5, Macro lens.  The lighting was two very small Vivitar flash units mounted on a custom fabricated bracket.

   This is a digitally manipulated image of a photo taken on the same day with the same equipment as the above.

The Wetlands

The following series of photos were taken over a period of 2 months at a wetlands area near my home.  My main objective was to document the family of osprey that nested in the top of a dead palm tree about 200 feet from the shore.  Due to conservation rules I could not get any closer so this was my optimum position.
During the session that has the catfish in it I was visited by a 8 foot+ alligator that came to shore and began to cross the berm I was on.  He approached the shore less than 30 feet away from me and began to meander across.  He stopped about half way with his hind leg closest to me just hanging in mid air as if someone had yelled "red light". For those old enough to remember playing that game.  It was almost comical was it not for the potential danger I was in.  My bike was about 150 feet in the opposite direction.  If he decided to come after me I would not have had the time to mount my bike and hi-tail it out of there.  I just stood motionless waiting for him to make a move.  Apparently his objective was just to get to the other side of the berm where there was another body of water, because he finally turned around and slithered down a water trap and went through a culvert to get to the other side.  I never saw him again.

Check out the size of that catfish.     It probably weighs as much as the bird itself.  Click on the image to see it larger.

   Here are the two parents before the egg is hatched.  Click on the image to see it larger.

Here is the chick about one month later.     It is nearly as large as the adults.
Click on the image to see it larger.

  Here is one of the parents bringing in brunch at about 10:00 in the morning. The parent flew in from the opposite direction that i wanted it to in order to get a more exciting image of the face of the bird.  Click on the image to see it larger and you can see the brim in its talons.

While waiting for the osprey, this cormorant    poped out of the water and was drying his wings.  I don't know why because they just dive right back in.  Any way he was a great poser. I like his reflection.  Click on the image to see it larger.

About 500 meters to the east was this heron. Now they are usually pretty skiddish but this one was rather tolerant of me.  Must be a liberal.  This was a handheld image.  Click on the image to see it larger.

He felt I was getting a little too close for comfort, so he flew off.   This is probably the best picture of the day.  I like it anyway.  Click on the image to see it larger.

This is an image from my trip to Yosemity in June.

Click on the image to see it larger.

  Click on the image to see it larger.


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