Russ' Home Page
(well...not yet)
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Things that are important to me:
The number one priority in my life is service to my Lord Jesus Christ.
The second thing in my life is my family. I have two wonderful
childrenwho will be highlighted elsewhere in these pages.
The rest of my waking hours are spent in varoius activities that will be
described below:
Firstly,  may  I say  that I
am a collector of hobbies.
That may   sound familiar
to some of you. My main
primary interest is nature
photography, although I am
not very good! I am particularly  fond of the  mechanics of the  cameras. I particularly  like to do close-up work.
Check out my Gallery as I have a scanned some examples of my work. Sometimes I feel more like a collector of
equipment than  actually a picture taker.  I often have items that I want to sell or trade so check out the Ebay
Sale . Some times  there are things  available that are not  photo related. I am  also usually looking for items that
you may have or know a source for.  So please check out My Shopping List . For athletic interests, the activity I
would most like to do every day is white water rafting. I have rafted down the Chatooga( my favorite so far), the
Nolichucky,  the Nantahala
and  I have  canoed  down a
few others.  Another  hobby
I like  is catamaran  sailing.
We  have  owned  a 16  foot
Hobie  Cat since  1976  but 
have recently sold it to try a
Waverunner.  Now it is gone.
Growing  up  in  the  state  of 
Florida  has,  genetically, left
me  with a  need to be by the
ocean.   Musically,  I am  not
very talented but I have been
making  an  effort  to play the
flute.  I also  know a very few
chords on the guitar. My  new
endeavor  is to  learn SCUBA
diving to do what I have always
wanted to, underwater photography.

The Grandkids

My Latest Project
I have finally had an opportunity to design a major special
effect. In this case it is a life size replica of a crashed Boeing
727 airliner. Click on the imaginary logo below, of flight 766,
to view my resume.
Just for the record, I would love to do this kind of thing for a living
To the Gallery
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To the Garage Sale
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Tesla Instruction Files
Click on this icon to download my edited and compiled
list of messages shared on the Tesla List Service.
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Credits: Matthew Ryan Thornton & Russell Thornton