Dealing with Dragons Searching for Dragons Calling on Dragons Talking to Dragons The Raven Ring Shadow Magic Caught in Crystal Daughter of Witches The Harp of Ismach Thistle Snow White and Rose Red The Seven Towers Book of Enchantments Sorcery and Cecelia by: Patrica C. Wrede * my favorite author
Australia South America Europe Asia Antarctica North America The Rainforest Mountains
Spelunking Rope Courses Bareback riding Posters Hiking
The Voyages of Capt. Cook Not Quite Human *funny! Beauty Child of Faerie, Child of Earth Seven League Books So you want to be a Wizard Deep Wizardry High Wizardry Wounded Sky How much for just the planet? Spock's World Watership Down Redwall Books Recluse Books Middle-Earth Books The Blue Sword The Sword and the Crown The Lioness Quartet The Immortals Quartet The Orphan Train Quartet with 6 books so far. Narnia, of course
LYRA Wryds Niera Shee Humans ELVES
Terry Brooks, J.R.R. Tolkien, Laura Ingles Wilder, Diane Duane (whatever), Moddisitte (same), Douglas Adams
The Princess Bride The Fifth Element Aladdin The Little Mermaid Matilda Anastasia Titanic Wallace and Gromit The Air Up There Faeries Rainbow Brite My Little Ponies Dragon Heart Robin Hood (all) Star Wars & Co. Evita The Wizard of Oz The Man in the Iron Mask Good Will Hunting The Borrowers Les Miserables
Cats Beauty and the Beast - Broadway Musical Sleeping Beauty Mouse Trap Flowers for Algernon Twelfth Night
The Secret Garden The Wizard of Oz The Comeback Caper Somethin' about fish (that's not the name, it's in Italian and I can't remember) Aladdin!!!!!!
Piano Singing (badly) Ballet Jazz Improv in the living room skiing (new - yippee!) horseback riding Biking Writing Acting Writing
Horses Cats any other species except humaniods and canines (exceptions: Joker, Pepper, and Ruby)(oh, and my almost human friends)
Hi to: Juliet, MOM, Dad, Sparrow, Amber, Leslie, Rachel, Matt, Elija(h), Dave-o, Carrie, yes, Lauren, you too, let's see...hmm...who else I know might see this...Katie O, Julia, Ariel, Katie English, Raina, Sarah, Sara, Sonja, Sonja (two different ones; pronounced differently), Kevin cause you're not so bad, Jesse (Frick), all Roberts folk, Grandpa, Uncle Paul, Aunt Carol Ann, Rebma Deer, Samantha, Matt (mi cousin; how dare you think me redundant!), Aunt Maureen, Christy, Jessie (other one who is my cousin's cousin, but not my cousin) (if anyone knows what that is called, please do tell), Jym, Senor Baumann, Mr. Ball, Kikeres (howdoyaspelit), Amber ('nother one), Michelle, Maura, Laura (not me!), Laura (yet another!), Melissa, Gloria (Amber's buddie that I've once met), TUT, Phil (from Phil's page) whoever he is, all Bobs out there, Rebma Deer, BOBO, Gandalf, Legolas (yes, I'm talking to myself. Be quiet!), SAM, mis hermanos, betknee, Barthonomul, Megan Conrad, Chris, Big Bones, John of the Chapin Zoo, Bunny, Ocean, Mist (wherever you are), Lelia (wherever you are 2), Jim, Cimorene, Mendanbar, Daystar, Shiara, Dragon, Suz, Kazul, Carolinus, Merlin, Houdini, is anyone still reading?, Little Bones, my future self, Medium Bones, the seagull with only on leg, the seagull with no name, baygulls everywhere, snow, my past self, Come el perro, inventors everywhere, writers everywhere, everyone everywhere, if I forgot your name, all the more reason to E-mail me! So do! :-)
My laugh: Silent Shaking Imagination
Gym Armour
The Sign of the Spork
BoBo the lion-monkey
Elf ears that fall off
Ham, Jam, and Spam-a-lot!
Oh, dear me. I have no shoes. I must be polite to a lady!
Sir Taran
" "
Breathe, just breathe
Dillon the junkie horse
the glow
origami is fun
sticking out vs. blending in
I told you so!
Note: There is more good stuff in the world, but I don't have time to type it all this century. Check back in 3039 for a complete list of the good things of the first 2 decades of my life.