Now, there seems to be some confusion as to the use of Old Elvish. It is a language that expresses pure ideas, with no connotations. Mainly, it is used for proper names, souls, and abstract ideas. It is read from top to bottom, to the left. Full names are pronounced the same, as the letters stand for sounds. For example, the name Adriane is spelled:
Those symbols are purely on a "Mommy and Daddy gave me a name to share with thousands of others" basis. True names, soul names, you choose and report to me. No two are alike. They mean nothing and everything, depending on if you know the person. You guys probably have a pretty good glimpse of me, so I would be:
All right, now for the abstract. There are many ideas that just can't be easily described in English (or any other tongue I know of), but need to be easily expressed in order to base other arguements upon them. These too, require an amount of background understanding and knowledge of, well, the ideas. For example, WWII means more than just 2 Ws and 2 Is, but only if you understand it. One of the Elvish ideas is that of , the idea that what we see is rather like a radio station; there are many and they come in with various clarities and overlaps depending on how powerful your radio is and where you stand. And now: A semi-complete list of all of the Elvish symbols I've scanned on to the computer at present. And Elvis is not very relevent. The Alts are approximates, obviously.
© 1997 elfin33333