102. Be a purist
101. Have a major inferiority/superiority complex
100. have a theory that everyone else does to
99. Put down Paladin as your career goal
98. Shake as a panic response
97. Laugh by silently shaking
96. Be tremendously proud of your left-hand (and theaten righties with discrimination, all in good fun)
95. Ask for a sword for Christmas
94. Read for fun and enlightenment
93. Only get homesick for your cat, who is the most beautiful and understanding creature in the world
92. Want your own horse
91. Love your family
90. Hate your family
89. Randomly switch between cursive and printing with both equally illegible and beautiful
88. Remember what you learned at school better than your hobbies
87. Lack the ability to obsess
86. Hold a major grudge against eating and sleeping
85. Be unable to handle small talk and be frequently refered to as 'anti-social'
84. It's not that I lack tact; I just refuse to manipulate people
83. Don't get sick watching brain surgery or cry during Bambi
82. Think brains are vastly interesting
81. Define Chi-Bro park as 'mine'
80. Tell people they are allowed to imagine
79. Play games with them
78. Climb trees and stay there
77. Build and fix stuff casually: make it work
76. Fear that you are lying
75. Count all of the times you've dreamed and not need all of your fingers
74. Have trouble switching between words and math and back
73. Know random stuff, but miss 'what everyone knows'
72. Save everything
71. Relate everything to ballet, physics, and calculus
70. Be most dangerous when you're happy
69. Refuse to encourage vulgarity
68. Remember only thoughts and tone
67. Hate inefficiencies that waste my time: boring
66. Play with words
65. Draw bizzare pictures
64. Love earth, light, and color
63. Protect people and be the strong one
62. Play songs over and over again for hours: love the repeat button
61. Relate to the 'hero' of "Crime and Punishment"
60. Love singing, but, apparently, switch randomly between keys and make it sound really bad
59. Think that I can and will understand everything
58. Think 'excercise' is silly
57. Justice is a big deal as well as truth
56. Travel with Dad and Amber
55. Have adventures
54. Think that few people think that they are wonderful enough
53. Avoid drugs like the plague
52. Learn Spanish because you like Spanish (substitute chosen language)
51. Not admit to understanding French or Japanese (well, not often)
50. Music is becoming more and more important
49. Somehow miss growing out of things
48. Be an active member of the cult of the inner pig (substitute chosen cult)
47. Distrust organized anything and layered motives
46. Hate required classes
45. Take history and electronics because you want to, despite knowing that they would be idiot-level requirement filling classes (substitute chosen interests)
44. Be an idealist
43. Practically deal with the world: I'm the responsible one (not the reliable one, note)
42. Argue when they'll listen
41. Play in the snow, sun, and rain
40. Love cold air and warm sunlight
39. Remember everything like it was last week, including today
38. Integrity
37. Get mad at my own writing because it isn't quite right
36. Believe that I know right and wrong and that is god in me
35. Fear distracting people
34. Have this thing about debt
33. Know how to do most things, but not very well, like Jack
32. Be severely annoyed by the word 'cute' and astounded by personal comments
31. Don't strive for Harmony
30. Be joyful
29. Have a headache most of the time, but rarely indulge in it
28. Can't handle groups (except when I can) and act like Pyotr (except when I don't)
27. Don't be such a sensualist
26. Respect and personally judge, but don't give final judgement
25. Watch
24. Don't try to offend anyone, but don't try not to
23. Purple and rainbows are the best
22. Wear tourist-T-shirts on an everyday basis
21. Skip home from class singing "When Johnny comes marching home again" (substitute favorite Wee Sing America song)
20. March home from fencing singing "The Star-Spangled Banner" and "Sweet Betsy from Pike" (substitute favorite cow)
19. Collect stories and properties
18. Don't drive because you don't want to kill anyone
17. Always end up as the navigator and be awarded the "Titanic Navigation Award"
16. Love my computer and my webpage
15. Quote stuff and accidently give away endings (a lot): It's obvious to me!
14. Rarely be surprised
13. Top authors include: Patricia C. Wrede, Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Orson Scott Card
12. Mountain Dew is a family tradition
11. Vesper Holly is the closest to a hero that you have
10. Run a store called "Purple Beach" where you sell things you make out of sea shells (after the beach you made with your purple carpet)
9. Establish your own post office and newspaper
8. Write important stuff in pen so that it doesn't smear and because it flows better
7. Take the hard way up the hill and through the trees
6. Get mad at authors for tormenting your friends
5. Be at war with language, my friend
4. Love your bike
3. Plan going to Australia and seeing the rainforest as things that will happen, though I know not when
2. Dance
1. Never be done, but move on
0. Hate, love, be merry.... err..
i^2.Do things because you want to, not because you want the results


don't have any holes in your head
Never 'don't want to know'
Prefer "I want to Know" (from Tarzan) in Spanish: "Lo Extrano que Soy"
'Moves me' is a fairly rare phrase
Capitalization is important
Embarass your teacher by writing important truth
Take everything seriously
Laugh at everything
Be touchy about gender discrimination
Like the word "ubiquitous"
Always mean it
be very young
Be a patriot
find the letter i depressing
avoid pity
don't have much to say about abortion: it's obvious, isn't it
want more than one song, glory
Know some of this
Always have books to read and stuff to do and do other stuff, too