1. World Domination
"Vidi Veni Vici." -- Julius Caesar |
1. Military Force - This is the classic form of world domination. It involves such things as Armies of Destruction, Nuclear Missiles, Secret Death Rays, Internment Camps, Extermination Squads, etc. It is suggested that you start small - say, a small Latin American or Mideast country. From there, you have a number of possibilities: Invade a neighboring country, gain a stockpile of nuclear missiles, amass a great and powerful army, and become simply known as "Our Leader". A good source for more information about this method of world domination is The Villains World Domination Chart. |
It must be noted, however, that military force has become an increasingly difficult and unrealistic means in which to conquer the world. Armies of destruction may allow you to take control of the world, but keeping that power will be an incredibly difficult task. Because while you will have the ability to change people's actions, you can't change their minds. People will always resist you, and fight back, and never willingly subject themselves to your control. Thus, if you'd truly like to conquer the world through this means, you must ensure that all hope is lost and no possibility for redemption exists. Perhaps you could send the world into forty years of darkness or something. |
2. Economic Force - Huge multinational corporations are a much more realistic (and modern) method of world domination. The sheer economic force of a megacorporation can take control of millions of citizen's lives (particularly in third world nations), giving you a vast degreeof power. By making your corporation the central base of power behind a country, you can gain control not just of the immediate populace but political polwer as well. For example - Nike Corporation largely controls the countries of Vietnam and Indonesia, holding reins on the people and crushing any sense of hope from its citizen's lives. Through this they have gained more power than most supervillains today! Other companies such as General Motors, Microsoft, and Lockheed also have similar economic strangleholds, giving them an incredible power amount of power. So learn from them! The one in control doesn't have to be a mad dictator sitting on a throne of bones, it can be a shadow cabinet with the public political figures acting as puppets to those who are really in charge. |
Corporate takeovers and financial domination thus become a much more realistic and much less physical possibility for societal domination. Simply make your country completely dominant on the product you import/export, have your business leaders infiltrate the government, and strategically place a puppet ruler. From there you can go on to influence other nearby countries, extending your power further. Note - The concept of a One United Financial World (like they are doing in Europe) is ideal for assisting in this form of world domination. |
3. Ideological Force - Mass acceptance of your godlike nature is yet another method of world domination, and in many ways it's one of the few that can truly work. If you can somehow learn to manipulate ideologies and organizations, molding the dominant paridigm to your personal desires, changing the way people think, then world control becomes possible without a single soldier sent or nuclear missile launched. This may sound very difficult, but its really not. You'd be surprised how easy it is to get a person to think your way. One good possibility is to create a religion based around yourself in which you are God (or the voice of 'God'), creating an atmosphere where your followers gladly sacrifice themselves while you sit atop your altar looking pretty. Also, subliminal messages are a tool that should not be overlooked in your path to world domination. By instilling submissive attitudes into the masses you can ensure yourself a much easier conquest and worldwide acceptance after your domination of the world is complete. |
2. Destroy the Earth. | ![]() |
For as long as man has walked the earth he has longed to destroy it. From the early caveman with his stone-age atomic bombs to the modern day inventor of the Tamagotchi, all have desired to destroy the earth and wipe out all life in existence. And you can be the one who makes it happen! Listed below are just a few of the possibilities for destroying the world, tried and tested throughout the ages. Just make sure that whatever plan you choose is your plan, and that it suits you.
Thermonuclear Armageddon - While the seeming armistice between the two superpowers may seem to put a clamp on this type of classic Cold War fun, rest assured that many still active thermonuclear warheads are on the black market today, available for the megalomaniac with the right money and an itchy trigger finger. For more information about nuclear stockpiles and warheads, try the NRDC Nuclear Program. You can probably find out whatever information you need there. |
Asteroids From Space - One well placed asteroid hitting the earth could skyrocket this world into the next ice age. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to actually intentionally cause such a devastating event to happen, so this method is only really suggested for super-advanced evil geniuses who have developed gravity rays to direct asteroids and other space debris. However, if you're truly interested in using asteroids to destroy the earth, try the Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking Home Page. There you can learn all about any nearby asteroids for your own personal use. Also, you will obviously need some sort of tractor beam, so try the The USC Gravity Generator (denied by the government), which is probably your best bet. |
Deadly Viruses - With today's advancements in biological engineering there are now many chemical and germ warfare methods you can use in destroying the world. For example, the only two remaining vials of smallpox are at the Center for Disease Control. Were they to be released into the mainstream population, most of the world's population would be destroyed. The Ebola Virus is also an excellent choice for destroying humankind, both in its devastating effects and its quickness of spreading. To learn more information about this disease, go to The Ebola Virus Home Page. There you can learn such facts as mortality rate, location, and how it is transmitted. |
Biblical Apocalypse - Though many evil masterminds do not believe in any sort of God (except perhaps themselves), biblical armageddon is yet another possible way to bring about the end of the world (provided you believe in that sort of thing). And the Book of Revelations practically acts as a How-To Guide! The Four Horsemen, the Lamb, the Breaking of the Seven Seals, all are detailed. And though many self-proclaimed "good" religious leaders state "Good shall triumph, because it is written, and this is how we are going to do it!" (Followed by in-depth discussion on exactly what will happen during the apocalypse) How stupid can you be? It is only a matter of analyzing the battle plans laid out in the Book of Revelations, countering them much like Patton did to that German guy in World War II, and clenching victory. -- We have provided an online copy of the Book of Revelations for your use and convenience. |
The Great Old Ones - Unleashing great supernatural forces on mankind to literally create Hell on earth is yet another possibility for destroying the world, and one particularly enjoyable for the occult-minded evil mastermind. There are a number of different possibilities in the supernatural forces to unleash, from classic Christian devils to Babylonian Gods to Enochian Demons. And calling down the Great Old Ones is a perfect choice for any occultist familiar with the works of H.P. Lovecraft. It must be noted that after summoning demons they have a tendency to rip you into small pieces before starting their path of destruction, but as any evil sorcerer will tell you, it is a small price to pay. -- Though the Simon version has been largely disproved, here is a copy of the Necronomicon for your use and convenience. |
3. Build Really Huge Powerful Weather Machines.
I'm not really sure the purpose of this one but it just always seems like a good idea. Make sure it's really big with a bunch of extra switches and lightning rods and electrical blasts and stuff. And they work best when placed on a desert island, so make sure you use that as your lair. |