Locations For Your Lair

Every criminal mastermind needs a base of operation, so now it's time to pick yours.
There are a number of possibilities, each with their own benefits.

Medieval Castle
Many evil people prefer to live in a castle - it's got atmosphere, it's dark and desolate, and can be situated in places with sinister sounding names like the Carpathian mountains. Your castle can be filled with all sorts of defenses - castle walls, portcullis, boiling oil, gargoyle statues that come to life, as well as a large number of chambers to meet your sinister need, be it a huge dining hall, secret laboratory or torture chamber. Another benefit is that the nearby villagers often fear and whisper about you, adding to your already evil reputation.
Giant Corporate Tower
Another good base of operations is the giant corporate tower, offering a more 'modern' feel to the running of your criminal empire. The business-minded evil genius now has a place to perform inside trading and company mergers in style and comfort, and the office on the top floor is perfect for laughing maniacally about world domination. And remember - the taller, the better. There's nothing more oppressive than standing beneath a skyscraper that is so tall that it literally bends over you.
Underground Secret Headquarters of Doom
A secret lair deep beneath the earth's crust is yet another great location for the evil genius, particularly of the insane variety. A seemingly normal building can be placed up above, and yet down below a secret elevator shaft leads to your diabolical factory of robot warriors and mad scientists. Popular for their isolation from humanity as well as their 'sinister domain' feel, a subterranean lair may just be right for you.
Floating Fortress
There are also possibilities for floating fortresses, a good choice for the more adventuresome evil-doer. The water-based location puts it out of reach of many of the less wealthy (and hydrophobic) heroes, and the surrounding waters can be secured with turrets or deadly mines. Defending your fortress can be a hybrid race of evil manta-men on jet powered water skis, all acting with one mind. Make 'em hurt.
Space Station
One of the best possibilities for strongholds today are actually not even located on this earth. That's right, a satellite fortress could be just what you need, allowing you to plot your evil deeds far out of reach of any underfunded do-gooder. Space stations today can come equipped with a vast array of lasers and rocket missiles to destroy and spacecraft foolish enough to venture close, as well as advanced stealth technology to hide from any possible threats. The view from space also can allow you to watch your destruction of the earth from a spectacular and comfortable place, before you freeze yourself in cryogenic tubes to go on to a new age.
Abandoned Church
For the truly "atmosphere-oriented" evil-doer, the abandoned church can be an extremely rewarding site as base of locations. On the outside it appears just like any other church (with the possible giveaway of bleeding or upside-down crucifix), but on in the inside it can house your secret weapon stache, kidnapped victims, and underground catacombs which can lead to any number of lost civilizations. Plus I think you get some sort of tax breaks for being a religious organization.
Fake Mountain
The fake mountain with the hollow interior is yet another excellent site for a base of operations. On the outside it appears just like any other mountain, but with the flip of a switch it suddenly can be turned around where rocket turrets appear and armies of foot-soldiers are revealed! The benefits of the fake mountain are many, and yet it must be noted that this is not a recommended site for such places as the middle of cities. They are for some reason too often noticed.
Desert Island
Desert islands are yet another classic location for an evil headquarters, be it for a giant corporation or remote secret lair. Perfect for the evil-doer in need of a vacation, the scenic locale can relieve your stress while providing you at the same time with an earthly paradise to despoil. The desert island is also an excellent place for the creation of mutant races, particularly when you're being played by Marlon Brando. Just don't do a dance with an ice bucket on your head at the end of the movie.
Amusement Park
Amusement parks are a special type of base which have been favored by supervillains for decades. You can have fun houses rigged up with booby traps, roller coasters that become death machines, and halls of mirrors in which to have your final confrontation with the heroes. Circus folk make excellent minions as well, be they clowns with machine guns or fire eaters who act as flamethrowers. And if you rig up your ferris wheel to act as one giant gatling gun, you my friend, have class.
Dark Side of the Moon
This final location is perfect for those intending to destroy the earth and who just wish to get the perfect view. The lunar location makes it almost impossible for heroes to reach (without government funding), and the setting acts as a perfect place for implementing plans from afar. Occasional attacks by aliens may sometimes be a problem, but that's just a price you must be willing to pay.

Activate the time machine so I go back five minutes to before I got to this page!