Fashion for the Evil Doer

Classic Black
Classic Black has long been the dominant choice for evil individuals all around the world. Sinister, dark, foreboding, it creates a mysterious air while at the same time providing excellent benefits of stealth and concealment. Though many "hero-types" and vigilantes also prefer the wearing of black costumes in this day and age, classic black still provides the most stylish means of dress for villains across the globe today. Classic black is a choice where you just can't go wrong.
Corporate Suit
The corporate suit has long been a favorite for the "business-oriented" evil-doer, allowing the more classy criminal masterminds to retain a certain sense of dignity and grace. Business suits can be perfect for company mergers resulting in the ruination of peoples lives to the plotting of world domination in board rooms at the top of skyscrapers. Some of the most evil people today wear suits, believe you me. Also, the business suit can make the more "scruffy" heroes quite uneasy, particularly if they are confronting you during a business meeting at a five star restaurant and their lack of class gets them thrown out by the manager.
Supervillain Costume with Gimmicks
This is a popular choice for the villain who has read too many comic books. Be it a green jumpsuit with question marks inscribed all over to a giant clown suit with exploding confetti, the gimmicky costume allows the evil-doer to be distinctly remembered by the public while at the same time giving them a motif to theme themselves by. (I.E. I am the Lizard, and I use my tale-shedding weaponry on you.) It must be noted however that spandex still looks pretty bad on most people, so the supervillain would probably be advised to just go around masked.
Robotic Exoskeleton
The benefits of the robotic exoskeleton are many, and such a choice should not be overlooked. The evil genius who was once frail and weak can now have the strength and durability of ten men, towering over all who would try to stop him. Any number of weapon attachments are often available, and should do-gooders destroy your titanic frame, your head can always detach and and rocket back to your underground lair. One unfortunate side effect is the robotic exoskeleton makes it more difficult to get into the finer restaurants out there, so the more refined evil-doer beware.
Dark Gunslinger
The dark gunslinger look is an excellent choice for the period supervillain, presenting aperfect image for you to roll into town and kill every man in sight without ever saying a word. The low-brimmed hat adds a particularly menacing feel to your appearance while the cloak adds a sinister touch, and this look also tends to build on your reputation. Soon you will be known just as "The man with no name" who once "Killed a man just to watch him die." Exit guns-a-blazin'.
Brain in a Jar
Though the brain in the jar does not allow for as much mobility and personal interaction as with many of the other possibilities, it has still been considered a favorite by many evil-doers for decades. This option allows you to gain near-immortality through the suspension of your brain in a slimy green liquid,allowing great scenes of you ranting at your confused goons. It also provides great opportunity to gross out the heroes when they finally break into your lair and come face to face to you at last.
Intelligence Transferred into a Computer
This choice is quite similar to the brain in the jar, only modernized and with more benefits. Transference into a computer allows the criminal mastermind to become like a God among Men, as well as full internet access (A big plus!). The supervillain is not cut off from in the world in that they can have television cameras acting as eyes and ears and robot warriors as hands, thus allowing them to continue with their evil deeds. Tthe transference also typically results in a draining of all humanity, making destroying the world that much easier.
Evil Twin/Opposite
The mirror image/clone option is yet another excellent possibility, because through organizations and confuse the hell out of your enemies. The heroes friends will confide in you all their secrets, thinking you are them, and your identical handprint will allow you to infiltrate the most secret of bases. And ust as the protagonists are rushing in to stop you they will be stunned as they see that you are them, or that they are you, or... well, let's just say it'll screw with them.
Wearing the Skin of another Human
Perhaps you're not even human at all, and come from any number of dimensions/hells. Or maybe you're a mad necromancer, who likes switching into other people's bodies. Whatever the case, wearing the skin of another human can be an excellent way to wreak havoc and escape detection among mankind. The bodies tend to putrefy fast, but that really isn't a problem because whenever you tire of it you can simply discard it and move on to a bigger and better one.
Never Revealing your Face
This final possibility is perhaps the best of all, in that it allows the evil-doer remain truly indiscrete and allow complete secrecy. Instead of being known for any particular image or costumey gimmick, you can just be known as the mysterious man who never is seen, only hinted at in rumors and folktales, with a big question mark over his face. Figuratively speaking, of course.

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