So You've Decided to be Evil
A Step-by-Step Guide to joining the Forces of Darkness

Congratulations on your decision to join the forces of darkness! Evil always needs more tools... I mean... agents... for its unholy army of the night, and by joining now you can rest assured that your remaining years will be spent pursuing the 'good' things of life: lust, greed, debauchery, the slaughter of hapless innocents... Your favorite hobby can become a lifelong career!
Thus, this handy guide has been created to nurture any potential lunatic into a lifetime of evil and destruction.

I - The Forces of Darkness

II - Objectives and Goals

III - Thwarting the Forces of Good

IV - Locations for your Lair

V - Evil Henchmen Guide

VI - Fashion for the Evil Doer

VII - Make Your Own Evil Plan

VIII - Appendix

A quick message for those of you who want to send me hate mail.

The Guestbook

Graphics used with permission from Deb's Computer Graphics

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