Welcome to FalconBoy's FanFic! and other stuff.
We can't tell you who we are.
Or where we live. It's too risky, and
we've got to be careful. Really careful.
So we don't trust anyone. Because if
they find us . . . well, we just won't let
them find us.
The thing you should know is that
everyone is in big trouble. Yeah.
Even you.
-from the backs of the Animorphs
Mission Imposible Theme.
If you'd like something different,
I don't know, but I kinda like it.
There have been
visitors since February 5, 1998
The time is...
May 12, 1998 - I've decided to change my page into an Animorph Story Page. I know there are a lot out there,
but one more isn't bad. So if you have any stories you'd like me to post, Just send them
here. If you want an award, just tell me and check out your page.
Come visit Miak-Kell, my Hork-Bajir

Countdown to the Animorph TV Show
Here are my links, If you have an Animorph Page, and I don't have it up, email me and give me the address and I'll put it up.
Coming soon... The Shifters.
"If you thought the Andalite's were advanced, wait until you meet the Animorphs new allies . . ."
-From the Shifter's
Read a preview for The Shifters
Here are two webrings I belong to
This Kewl
Animorphs Ring site owned by FalconBoy.
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©1997, 1998 All Images on this page are mine, except for the Animorph TV Logo and the red
line. This page is in no way official and is just a kid's shrine for his favourite books.