Take a wrong turn?
How delightful!
Please, , come in, sit down.
Make yourself at home.
Allow me to introduce myself
I am Mileena,
I am a vampire.
But don't worry, for now you are safe. ::grins::
Still uncomfortable?
How can I put you at ease?
You are welcome to take a look around
Whatever you wish to learn about me,
you can find in my home
Remember I don't let just anyone
come into my Chateau
So do behave yourself.
If you do not find the answers that you seek,
you are welcome to visit my family.
Im sure they would love
to have you as well ::grins::
Or if you wish to
Email Me
Feel free. I would love to hear from you
Before you go, do not forget to stop by
the Guest Room
I adore all my visitors
Do come back and visit me often
For I am always changing my Chateau
as the mood takes me
Until we meet again,
Enjoy the night!

LE FastCounter
Wander through the rooms?
Enter my Boudoir † The Story of a Vampire † View from the Balcony
Meet My Family † Introducing, the Immortals † Be My Guest
See who was here before you †
Join The Children of the Night
Web rings I am a member of † Apply for my Award † Banners for my Chateau
Awards I have Won † Midi's I have collected † Vampire Forum
Dedication to my Mortal Love † A Poem, I wrote to him
Would you like your comments to be a secret? † Vampire myths, put to rest
My Family Tree † Help to Create your own Chateau