Take a wrong turn?
How delightful!
Please, , come in, sit down.
Make yourself at home.
Allow me to introduce myself
I am Mileena,
fledging of the great
Lestat de Lioncourt
And your tour guide for the evening
On this tour, I will take you through
The halls of my Chateau
One room at at time.
You can stop the tour at any time,
By simply, clicking on the big X on your screen
::smiles:: I do hope that you will stick around.
Whatever you wish to learn about me,
you can find in my home
And maybe a few things, you don't
wish to know ::grins::
Either way, we are bound to have some fun.
If you do not find the answers that you seek,
you are welcome to visit my family.
Im sure they would love
to have you as well ::grins::
Or if you wish to
Email Me
I would be happy to provide any answers that I can.
Now, on with the tour!
Our first stop, will be in the boudoir
This is the room that I dwell in, most of the time
It is very private to me,
so please, , do behave yourself,
and follow me...
To my boudoir