The Sweet Immortal Kiss
I have wandered through life for many years
Hiding in a shell so much pain and so many fears
So afraid to live yet not wanting to die
Never letting them see the tears that I cry
I loved deeply once, what a fool I was then
thinking how little I knew of the ways of men
I swore at that time that I would love no more
I would never let another cut me to the core
I walked through life with a false sense of pride
Not reavealing what this mask forever would hide
I laughed with my friends but it was all in vain
for when they left again came the familiar pain.
One evening I was walking alone in the park
when I came upon a stranger so tall and so dark
He moved even closer to me coming ever so near
I looked in his eyes suprised that I felt no fear
He reached out and caressed my cheek with love
so soft was his touch like the wings of a dove
He spoke so softly, his words like music to my ears
I've come to take away your pain, to end your fears
Never will you be alone, for I will be by your side
No more will you wear a mask, no more will you hide.
Watching you for hours, your pain has cut me deep
Watching you as you cried and even in your sleep
The pain that I take, i'm sure you will not miss
Will you accept this gift I offer my love...
My sweet immortal kiss?
How would you like to proceed?
~Let me take you on my Tour~
Mentioned Characters are copyrighted to Anne Rice/Random House. This non-profit site is not affiliated with TVLFC or Kith & Kin.Inc. No infringement on copyrights intended.
We are the best kept secret in the universe.
Above poem courtesy of Cinnabar
Our to monitor undesirable activity on GeoCities.
We are your first, last and only line of defense.
We work in secret,
We exist in shadows
and we dress in Black!