Dragon Lady's Lair

A collection of Dragons, Unicorns, Castles, Knights and Sorcery


Welcome to my Lair, enjoy your stay and if you don't get singed, please come back soon!


This page is about Dragons and for people who believe in them.


The Knight has alwas fasinated me. So this page is dedicated to them.

"My Hero"

Adrian Paul is my favorite TV series actor.


Unicorns are an animal that needs to be believed in. I believe in them! Check out the ones that have come to me for help and love.

"My Nursery"

This is where all of the babies (and adults) that I have adopted all over the net live.


I am in awe of some of the people who can use magic. This is for them.


I have often woundered what it would be like to live in such a place a some of these Castles.


He has fasinated many people. There are many legends about him or with him in them.

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Awards I Have Received

Received from Krismis Shetland Sheepdogs for Excellence in Originality and Creativity

Lancelot's Castle

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