 Zepheri`a  Solandury`
The Scroll Keep, My story
It is hard to remember all the details. You see, I've been in this mystical castle for over two hundred years so I'll just do the best an old man can.  However, as you can see I do not look a day over thirty, but that is the way the castle works and an entirely different story.

I was born in the small town of Perious Rene which sits on the skirts of a salt flat two days foot travel from Crihtabit Lake. Magic was no more then a fairy tale to most of the hundred or so inhabitants of our small mining town including me.

As it was told powerful wizards were once an every day occurrence and that trees grew in every direction. The story goes on to say that one day a lone wizard acting in  hate towards mortal men distorted the trees and the oceans, which were told to be large bodies of water some even as big as a salt flat. It was even said that the salt flats came from these fabled oceans. The story changed with each person who told it, most didn't even agree if the wizard did this out of hate, some although not many thought it was an accident. No matter witch version was true they all agreed that it was magic that took the trees and the water form the land. But let me tell you that it is no fable the fact is this land did indeed once thrive with trees and even oceans of water for I have seen them in the prophecies. I have also seen in prophecy that some day a lone group of adventures will find a way to restore this desolate land to it's glory.

Well I can ramble can't I, lets see ware was I.....O' yes the beginning.

I was, I believe nine or ten summers old when my grandfather came for a visit. After my mother told me it was time to bed down he and my parents got in to a fight about whether or not I should go with my grandfather.  My grandfather was mostly a mystery to me. I had meet him only once in my life. He had came on my sixth birthday and that night the same argument had taken place my mother and father told me it was nothing for me to worry about so I did what anyone would do I worried, well more like wondered, I wondered why grandfather had wanted so badly for me to go with him and why my parents were so dead set against it.

Well this time I would find out. My father called me in to the living courtiers of our three room home, sat me down and told me my options.

"Your grandfather is asking your mother and me for our permission to let you go with him to the Willow Wood Keep."

This was the first time I had ever heard the name of what I now call home. My Grandfather began to explain to me what the Willow Wood Keep was and that he was sure that I had the inner makings of a wizard and that I had been born of magical blood. This news was very shocking to me and I didn't believe a word of what he was saying. That was until he used his life's force to lift me about a foot above the ground. Everyone believed that wizards magic had destroyed most of the trees and water in the world but I decided right then and there that there had to be more to magic then destroying the world. So with out much more convincing, me and my grandfather set out to the mystical Willow Wood Keep ware my training would take place.

After a single days hike we arrived. "Well he was a wizard of the highest rank, so what is a little traveling spell going to hurt." To my surprise the Keep was wonderful it had every type of tree you have ever heard of and more within the black stone walls. Walls that could have encased ten towns the size of Perious Rene. Just to be safe lets just say that I was very impresses.

I was given a room the size of my old house in a building the size of my old town. My first instructor was Valacalf a wise one indeed, my the light shine on his soul forever. O' I had others but none to do justice to the Scroll Keep Valacalf. I learned and learned and learned mostly about myself and of the light. After a very short time of ninety seven years I was given the empowerment. As a reward for being so quick to reach the level of empowerment I was given the right to decide my first use of the Power. Silly me, honoring my first teacher I choose to view a prophecy in the way they were meant to be viewed. You see prophesies are given with magic and therefore they are meant to be viewed in the same.

I was hooked to the art of viewing the prophecy's ever since. Some time maybe I will show one to you, even though they will not unlock completely for the untrained they are still extremely interesting. Then again they are also very dangerous. But I'm sure you will be able to handle it.

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