
The Willow Wood Story.


I may not be the best source when it comes to the story of the Willow Wood Keep, after all I've only been here for a hundred winters. There are many different books in the vaults which may help you in your quest of knowledge, however if you would settle for a shortened version then I am sure I can be of some assistance.

You see from what I've learned and I'm sure that most of my facts are truths, the Willow Wood was created for the training and containing of wizards.

I see a questioning look on your face it must be my use of the word containing. Well you see as most common folk know we train wizards but more importantly we contain them in the confines of these spelled walls. You can never be to careful when it comes to the mixing of magic and inexperience.

Anyway once we have knowledge that a person shows signs or an innate sense for the true magic, we start with the conditioning of the soul, of course only with the permission of the student. We would never keep someone against their will, at least not until the training has begun. In most cases students are very eager to begin their training but there are thoughts who are not yet willing to give up the next few hundred years of their lives. We are not in the mind of keeping prisoners so it is up to the student to decide of his or her own destiny. O' her, yes we teach ladies the art of spell casting also.

I know it is hard to understand at first, but bear with me and it shall clear up.

You see, there is much to understand about the Willow Wood other then what we do and why. Willow Wood is a living creature at least in the since as it can think and act in its own best interest. The countless spells that have been cast in these walls, and even some that have been cast on them have created a type of soul. To some of us who have no imagination, not including me, more of a ring of magic that has the ability to grow, learn and act with the spells that are cast. The very feeling of the place will influence the most stubborn of students to train, comes from Willow Woods hunger for the spells cast during training. The longer you stay and the more you learn the harder it becomes to leave until soon it can become all but impossible to leave.

It's not just a feeling of familiarity, more a need, or an overpowering desire. The magic can be overcome with the combined magic of a few of the more powerful wizards. But as long as the wizard to be, is still just a wizard to be, he is kept here in a since, by his own will to learn. This makes it very safe to train young wizards. Since the walls of the keep have the ability to absorb any misfired spells so to speak.

As for the training all of the students must first condition there souls to except the magic that will become a part of them. This part of the training is what makes the task of learning wizardry take so long, but this is the most important step to becoming a wizard. If the magic is thrust upon an unready soul it most often will destroy it at best. Worst would be to drive you mad with the pain of uncontrolled magic rushing through your mind with no ware to go. To make it worse, if the magic were to attack your mind in such a way you have the added pain of knowing that the magic you have been given is going to add at least a century to your life span. Most of the young men who have been empowered to soon kill them self to stop the pain completely ignoring the fact that the greatest wrong it to give up on your self. But not to worry not a young man has lived that pain for nearly one thousand years.

After it has been decided that the soul has been conditioned the young to be is given the empowering which is done with a spell cast only by a master wizard. Following the empowering, the now young wizard is finally allowed to cast his first spell, which is chosen by the master wizard who had cast him the empowering. It is just one more humbling step in journey of becoming that which he has chosen.

So I ask you do you wish to begin the Journey? If so you must put your name to the book of the Willow Wood. But relax if we will not pressure you it you would rather you may still came and visit often.

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