Love it? Hate it? It's all here.

Are you looking for the truth?

Well, you won't find it in here. The only one who /really/ knows the truth is Chris(t) Carter, and he's not telling. I wish he would, so my urge to slap the hell out of him and yell 'what were you thinking!!!' will go away. Am I a bit ticked off at the way this mytharc is going? You betcha. Am I still going to watch? Of course. I might b*tch and complain about it, but I'm still going to watch to see if it's going to get any better :P

Support the fans of the X-Files and Millennium. Tell FOX 'No! No! Bad dog! Nice people don't shut down fan websites because they're paranoid!' A great site for this movement is XFACTOR.

So, what is this show about?

Synopsis in a nutshell:

Two agents, Fox William Mulder and Dana Katherine Scully. Scully, played by Gillian Anderson, was originally partnered up with Mulder, played by David Duchovny, to debunk his theories in the X-Files division of the FBI. Their boss: one Walter Skinner, portrayed by Mitch Pileggi. Enter in one Cigarette Smoking Man (CSM) who is part of the Shadow Conspiracy in the US government to prevent the 'truth' of the X-Files to become common knowledge.

That's about as simple as it can get. If you want complicated, add in Ratboy (aka Alex Krycek, played by Nick Lea), the Mighty Morphin' Alien Bounty Hunter, Jeremiah Smith, the oiliens, the bees, the clones, the Lone Gunmen (Byers, Langly, and Frohike), the greys, the big nasty aliens that pop out of your chest that seem to morph into the greys that seem to come from the oiliens, the new agents Jeffrey Spender (Chris Owens) and Diana Fowley (Mimi Rogers), the possibility that Spender and Mulder are related through CSM, and a little boy named Gibson who can read thoughts, and put them all in a blender, and you get the fourth, fifth, and the beginning of the sixth season. Is your head spinning yet?

Anyway, I still think XF is a good show. "John Gillnitz" needs to be fired and the writing team of Morgan and Wong needs to be brought back! Jose Chung, we need you! (Go former MIB Jesse 'the Body' Ventura!)

A Beginner's Guide to The X-Files

Okie. I'm going to attempt to list all the episode titles by season here. I'll probably add air dates for the US as well. If I'm really feeling creative, I'll add a brief synopsis of the ep as well. Spoilers ahoy!

Season 1 Season 2 Season 3 Season 4 Season 5 Season 6