Hey hey everybody.My name is Simon, also called SiSc! for reasons that I am not going to disclose.  I live in good old High Wycombe in Bucks but i must say its a well poo town with nowt to do  (cept drink and have parties all the time.)  Im 17 years old,my DOB being 28/01/1985,and dont u forget it.I aint sure how tall I am,bout 5"8-5"9 methinks and I have very short blond hair (grade 2) and beautiful blue eyes.  I live my my mum and my sis (Nikki) is livin in London at the mo with a job she has got with the Uni she is at (Leeds Met).  She be workin at the Royal Bank Of Scotland and soon sheez going on a mass holiday to all sorts of nice places.  Talkin of nice places soon im going on holiday myself to central America-Belize-on a 2 week ramble in the 'ol rainforest with my skewl-RGS High Wycombe-and tis gona be sweet cus i love animals and nature and thats pretty much wot the trip is gonna be about.My Dad lives in Hazlemere with his partner Maura and u can see sum pix of him on the pix page lookin rather......well u will see-HAHA.My fave things are drink-me loves tequila and sum poofs drinks like Metz,all the crew at the RGS,i dont wana name em all cus then id miss out sum1then there wud be a huge mass  bundle in the common room,HAHA.Im runnin outa fings to say now-im on the net lowds of my time cus now its free,i luv my lil mobile fown,the sony j7-YUMMY.I love chocolate,too much actually and believe it or not im givin it up for lent.Im learnin to drive now and my first car is a citroen AX-haha,love it,for free aswell.I love my massive double bed to bit i do,and the massive fluffy yummy quilt thats with it,and the 4 pillows-lol.Now,wot do i hate,there aint much i hate in the world,but rach is one of them,nasty piece of work she is.I like where i live,its the quietish part of wycombe backed onto fields and a woodland,it nice and peaceful out here except when you hear the cats outside fightin and screamin their heads off-SHUT UP!!!!!

I cant think of much else to say so that bout it!