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The World of Taelgar - Taelgar is a campaign world developed for use in TSR's Advanced Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. The links below will give you all the information you need to game in this universe. Taelgar Book 1, Guide Book - The Taelgar Guide Book gives you the basic rules and requirements for campaigns set in the Taelgar game world. It discusses classes, both new and old, and how they are integrated into the game. Taelgar Book 2, World Book - The Taelgar World Book gives you basic information on the world of Taelgar itself. It contains a large overview of the continent of Greater Noramon and the kingdoms within it. Future supplements will expand on this information, and present new continents on the world of Taelgar. Taelgar Book 3, Book of Magic - The Taelgar Book of Magic gives you the information you need to play Priests, Wizards, Bards, and Taelgar specific classes such as the Al'Coran. It lists new magic for all of these classes. Future supplements will include magical treasures and artifacts specific to the World of Taelgar. Taelgar Copyright © 1989 - 1999 FantaSoft Creations |
Updated: 01/30/99