Adams Apartment

Mi casa es su casa. Sorry if the place is messy (No need for apologies love.) Okay, honey. Uh, yeah, where was I? I'm Marian but you might know me as The Dagger. I just moved into Adams Apartment and I'm finally settling in. Just between you and me, I think I'll be able to clean it up a bit (Don't bet on it, Marian!) Sheesh! Anywayz, make yourself comfortable but not too comfortable coz you're outta here after the tour, k? (Are they gone yet?) Nope, what are you wiggin' about? ( Love, you've been watching too much Buffy lately, that doesn't please me.) Sure honey, opps, sorry, didn't mean to ignore you guyz. ( I really have other things in mind ... *wink-wink*) Okay, okay. Let's start the tour.

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HL Links:

Highlander Forum


Dedicated to the ROG

The Higlander Forum is where most of my friends hang out. A great place to rant and rave (I love the top tens.) Yeah. Me, too, love.

The ROGboard is where BG post parodies. (Music to my ears.) I'll be sure to tell BG, honey. Joe actually got me into surfing the net. Being near him and his laptop all day really got to me.

Dedicated to the ROG is the web site owned by a good friend of mine, Bright Girl. She's really nice, kinda weird sometimes but nice. (She can drop by anytime.)

The Kitchen

Ahh, breakfast in bed. Methos whips up some delicious cuisine. Though sometimes he slips yak butter in to spite me (Adam laughs). I'll have my revenge, honey. You can count on it.

I love watching him cook, I mean, just seeing him moving around in those blue boxers *sigh*.

What boxers? Those boxers ==>

Are those even boxers? They look like really tight shorts to me (Who wears short shorts?) You wear short shorts! I really love it when he does cute, don't you? Okay, you want a bigger shot of that?

The Bedroom

I'm still trying to convince him on purchasing a new bed. Perhaps a four poster canopy (No way, no how.) But, your bed's lumpy. (I like it that way.) Will you at least consider it? (Read my lips, N.O.) Well, then, I'm not sleeping with you anymore. (Suit yourself, the floor's all yours.) Darn! I hate losing an argument (Oh, but you're so good at it *grinz*).

One Shopping Day

I remember one time when we went shopping **I don't think you should tell them this** Shut up, brain! (Honey, those brain freezes of yours are getting crazier by the minute.) They're not called brain freezes, they are simply intra-arguments **Oh sure, like that makes it sane** Anywayz, one day, Methos and I went shopping. And it was really quite hilarious

Check out THE FRIDGE

Okay, so this is kind of a wacky idea but it seems to make sense to me. Sometimes you're such a pain in the a** That's just one opinion.

Photo Album

YIPPEE! Photos! No, I didn't take them personally. Some are from MethosLuvr and others are from Sophie. I do hope you enjoy them all.

Knock at my Friends

Drop by at my friends homes. I'm sure they'll let you bunk in their couch sometime. They might even let you chug some beer from their fridge. I guarantee you'll have a swell time.

Before you step out, you could sign our g-book. We'd like to know whaddya think of the Apt., maybe even slip in something 'bout letting me redecorate *s* (We, none of us, are perfect. So leave my bed alone, love.) Sheesh.

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