Butch's Music Page
Click here to check out some Song Lyrics!!
I should be adding ALOT more soon
Ok I have a bunch and I try to get the best versions of the songs I have, even so some of them aren't the best quality. I have them in alphabetical order by performer/group. You can download a song by listening to it and then clicking "Download?" in the little window. Soon I will have a page just for dowloading purposes, but that's still a couple days off. If you don't see one that you want, tell me and I'll look around for it. I'm always updating and adding more so stop back sometime, maybe even tell your friends!
The dream I have for this page is as follows:
- Have ALOT of midi's for people too hear.
- Actually know who each midi is by.
- Have lyrics for every song
- Have it all portrayed in an easy to understand and navigatable way.
Oh and just so you know, I don't nessecarily enjoy all the songs I have here (Spice Girls, Hanson, Aqua) but I'm a nice guy and I'll usually list anything anyone wants to hear; so long as I can find it. The only thing I'll really have problems with is when people start asking for Country (shudder), but like I said I'm a nice guy, so go ahead and ask!
I really reccomend using Crescendo to listen to the midi's. I love it.
Click here to learn how to place these on your page!
And Finally - The Midi's
Just A Thought
Music is a big part of all of our lives. It has the ability to touch us and make us feel and experience things in ways that nothing else can. It can express ideas through not only words but by beat, tempo, pitch, harmony, and that extra something that accompany's it and sends it straight to the fiber of our beings. All you have to do to understand music is listen, listen not only with your ears but with your body, and you can realize the message the artist wanted you to have. Music can influence our choices, inspire us, make us feel good, and help us see what we need to see. I have tried to make the midi's I have (which aren't nearly as good as the actuall versions of the songs) as convienient and enjoyable as possible with the javascript menu. The script does pop up one of those dreaded/hated little windows that clutter up your toolbar, but I think that it has enough good quality's to make that acceptable. I also provide some of the lyrics for my favorite songs. This is one section of my site that I hope I will have the time to work on and improve in the near future so if you don't see what your looking for now let me know and I'll to my best to get it here.
Please take a look at the other parts of my site!
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