K'lathor - 01/25/00 18:53:55
My Email:dragonsweyr@free.net.au
a lot of hard work and energy has gone into here,the only draw back was the very slow load time for your pic's but apart from that very good.
"May the lord of dragons smile upon thee and thy kin for all time"
Herbert - 01/17/00 01:03:15
My Email:blue_bear_45@yahoo.com
Rating for this page(1-10): 10
Suggested page to view: all
I enjoy the dragon pics. most of all
leonard scott - 01/13/00 16:41:58
Ange and Lis - 01/13/00 00:14:07
My URL:http://www.gocities.com/Paris/Cabaret/1075/index.html
My Email:angelis_ubers@yahoo.com
Rating for this page(1-10): 5+
Suggested page to view: sure
the beginning was cool, need better and more pics
Hot Chocolate!!!!!!
fred wall - 12/23/99 21:50:10
My Email:fmw@ncweb.com
Rating for this page(1-10): 10
Mike Knightstep - 11/25/99 02:03:16
My Email:Orionsbelt3@worldnet.att.net
Thog, aka "redThog", aka "Freewheel" - 03/07/99 17:26:41
My Email:frupp@rtd.com
Suggested page to view: http://www.enteract.com/~halo/cure/words/song-influences/index.shtml
the red dragon soars around randomly, - Hail, brave StarKnight ! The page mentioned, there, is one which I found somewhat by accident, ( like lots of items on the 'net, right ? ) I've probably heard some of the songs on the radio, at work, but I won't cla
m to be a true fan of The Cure. If they're loud & electric, they'ze maybe got a quantity of coolness. Been out of touch with music, for way too long ! Curious, though, that the band claim all these "song influences" by all these authors.
Thomas - 01/21/99 18:18:10
My URL:http://travel.to/tommy
My Email:overmeer@wxs.nl
Rating for this page(1-10): 10
Suggested page to view: My site
Hello Charles!
This is really a very cool site!!
Write me soon!
Comicool - 01/18/99 09:56:57
My URL:i shut it down
My Email:comicool@hotmail.com
Suggested page to view: none
hey cool site
are those pics original?
10/14/98 10:47:02
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Cindy - 09/17/98 23:46:57 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
I like your page!! Its good to see the fruits of labor, so to speak- how ya doin?