The current server for netstorm is now on port 6800. Enjoy.
These files should prove useful to NetStormers new and old. There is quite a lot of traffic through this site so if you have any difficulty downloading please try again later(some silly bandwidth restriction)..
Ok, after finding so many dead links to the game I have placed it in my account. It comes in two parts, unzip both files to your root directory (eg. C:\). Then go to the Netstorm folder and open netstorm.exe and then play away. This is quite a big step on my part as it takes up a good bit of my available space.
Check out multiplayer tactics.
Here is some other misc. stuff - not really necessary. Unzip them to your Netstorm directory (eg C:\Netstorm) and then double click on them.Download KraZy's NetStorm version 10.62
Download SethStorm version 10.34(used most widely at this time)
If you have any suggested files to add please sign my guestbook and let me know. There have been some rumours that Sethstorm allows demo players to run the whole game. Now I think I have found a file that removes the firewall icon(and lets you serve if you are not behind an actual firewall). Try out this utility file(I'm sure I remember some User.cfg file that did the same but can't find it).
I have also got a program that will prevent you from having your game crashed, or 'nuked' as they say in NS, for no reason. However I'd just suggest using sethstorm above as this has it already built in.
The Antinuke program (also comes with a program to run the antinuke file)
Contact: if you know of any additional useful files I might add or if you can think of any humourous quotes for above.
- NS has a server!!! I have recently received an email telling me (which I have now confirmed) that NS is being served by on port 6800. It also has a website at Have fun. (Info courtesy of Prømi§e)
- I have some sad news to tell, Activision no longer has servers available to host Netstorm. Do any of you know of a server out there that is currently hosting for it?(email me with the IP and I will place it here). However don't let this stop you downloading the files below the single player missions are quite enjoyable and networking with friends is still possible.