Too Soon
Too soon to be taken,
Time didn’t last!
I wish you were fakin,
Or we could go back in the past!
Fix things that weren’t right,
Things that shouldn’t have happened,
You got on the wrong flight,
and now you’re just happin!
This is the wrong time,
You drew a number too soon!
You picked a flower from the vine,
Before it had bloomed!
You said no good bye’s
And left us all heartbroken!
I was hopin the truth was a bunch of lies,
And soon you’d show up and say you were jokin!
Remember in recess when we played
Games like Red Rover?
There’s so many things you had yet to do!
It was soon to be over
You hadn’t yet got a clue!
But we must go on,
And keep rememberin you!
I’ll think of you from dusk till dawn,
And to you’re soul, I’ll always be true!
I love you, Josh!
Carl's Illusion