Joshua Wayne Dickey: A PART OF HIM FOR US ALL

R.I.P.- October 7, 1984 to July 25, 2001

THE days so long, The nights too short; because of all the parties I have to hit. I know that we’re young,
and we’re supposed to be “dumb”, but sometimes what we most need to learn is learned from someone young.

LIFE is altogether too often too short and while we’re here, we need to live our lives as much as possible. You can never admit being scared of something, but you can ALWAYS be smart about the situation.

YOU never know when it’s your time to go. NEVER LET EMOTIONS GO INTO THE EQUATION OF A CONFRONTATION; THE RESULT MAY TURN OUT TO BE WORSE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. We’re here for a purpose, but it helps out to have fun and doing that is better than any prize you may have won.

I remember the good times. I remember the bad times. I remember the happy times. I remember the sad times. But what I cherish, most of all, is the time spent with every one of you, before my “tragic” fall.

IT may not seem real, but I KNOW you all can deal. You have each other, and I’m moving towards the light. I know that everything will be alright. The only thing I have to ask is…

NOW that I’m gone, let my legacy live on.
I’LL see you at the crossroads, before my next dawn.
DON'T bear no pain, for life is just a game.
DON'T shed no tears “my niggas”, I’ll see you
all in a few years.
PLEASE, don’t be so terribly upset, you will then,
only live with regrets.
NEVER let yourself regret, the things you’ve ever
once done, heard or seen.
IT may not seem, like much at first, but you’ll soon understand, that this was
THE life you given, for a reason, prior to birth.

EVERY DAY, will yourself to experience something new. It’ll
help to ease the pain of all and any missing presececes, be they
physical or spiritual, that you hold hear to yourself, your spirit,
or your heart.

PLEASE!; cry me no more tears, possess for me no fears. Be true to yourself, and know how you feel, but make sure to have, a TRUE friend to fallback on, when you find that you are unable to deal.

I love you all. (Even if you aren’t ‘my niggas, playas, bawlers, or shot-callers’.) I don’t want you all to fall, I want to be able to one day see all of you “bawl”.

REMEMBER me in all my glory; Remember me In peace; Remember the outcome of my “story”, and never again will I be “deceased”.

CONTINUE to party, and thoroughly live your life. Just smoke one for me, know that I’m pleased, (This is a whole hell out of amulet better than (Marble Slab Creamery).

CONTINUE to party, and thoroughly live your life. Just smoke one for me, know that I’m pleased, (This is a whole hell of a lot better than where you guys are.) and whatever you decide to do, please keep a rememberance of me. (It’d be phat if you’d make up extra, “new and improved” logicas about me too just forget may and is up the way I did; No Goodbyes”.

NEVER let ME “die away”, or my purpose served will be delayed. So tell one, tell all, about the stupidity and the ignorance that have to do with my “untimely fall”. I know you’re all thinking, it wasn’t my time, but how else would some of you have learned what you needed, with the direction you before were headed? Use my sayings; use my music; you can use my clothes- wear too, allow yourselves to use the things of mine that you must use to help light the fuse to get this speaking campaign of its feet.

JUST when we come to real court, at least attempt to argue for me, my defense.

ALWAYS be cautious, to some extent, but never be afraid to take part in some kind of “dare”, or “dare-devil” event or stunt simply for the fear of death. Death is all around you and you will never find a place to hide that will keep death from finding you, and “taking care” of you in the order and fashion you are supposed to pass in.

KEEP my remembrance in mind and heart, and we will never be far apart. Reminisce about the “ old days”,“crazy times” our “wild rides” and favorite thymes. Think of me when you can stand to remember how I was as both a boy and a man. My joy and pride, are deep inside every one of your aching hearts. So be careful when and how you pull me out, it just might turn your whole world inside out.

THROW me a party! Rejoice for all my gains, Know, for a fact, that you each, will be seeing me again. Think of me everything you drink; think of me when you try to “pull rank”. Think of me, “class clown” at A.S. Johnston Elementary school.

THINK about me with each other, but try not to create a “blurry mist”. Know your limits and be smart about yourself, when you begin the indulgence of WHATEVER for yourself. (But remember to get and have some extra for you and me to share).

SPREAD my stories throughout yourselves. Everything that has happened so far, is a lesson learned that needs to be shared.

SO PLEASE don’t fret, and cause yourself pain. Know that there is ALWAYS something to gain. Lean on each other, as I have once leaned on you, and be absolutely positive that no one is left feeling blue.

LIVE you lives as dignified as you have the possibility; but party also, often, like I was always looking to do.

SO! Where’s my party at? All my “niggazs” need to be, positive that someone has, a party in….remembrance of….me. Leave me out a cold one, leave me out some “candy” too. Make sure that no one “disses” any one of you. But if they do, remember that, you have true friends (look around you), that will be there, and remember that you always have my caring, undying love for each and every one of you.

BE confident; be strong. Be convinced; “you can do no wrong”. Now, since you can do no wrong, be sure to make my party long; because, I want you all to reminisce, but I want more for you guys to be in “bliss” (or the closest thing on Earth that is.), than for all of you to be amiss. I wish I could go back so that, we all didn’t have to deal with this.

BUST out the food, hit me up with a beer, and know in your heart, that for this, and every other “celebration”, I’ll be here. Why the hell would I miss a party that I wanted to be at?, and that’s the way I liked it.

I enjoyed my life, you should enjoy yours. I’m never leaving you for good, and even if you may not “see” me, you will always know when I’ve come to hang out and have fun, and even when the time is passed and done, you’ll store my visit in memory, till the next visit’s time has come up.

‘SO…in conclusion…’
KEEP me in your memory, for I am always here.
WHEN the hell’s my party? I want a freakin beer.
NEVER forget the lessons, you have learned from
yourself, your life, and me.
ALWAYS try to see the best answer and the best side of
AT the 3rd bell, I get my wings.
BE aware of important and trivial, substantial and
arrogant things.
NEVER let your self-esteem be damaged by the
opinions and comments of others.
KNOW that you’re always special, regardless of
whether you stand out, or fade into the crowd.
BE sure to watch out for each other and be there for
the one who begins to stutter.
IF it’s in your ability, will or way, try you damndest
to help others you don’t know realize that if you’re in
the “game”, shit Does turn out this way.

LASTLY; but nowhere near leastly, or near the
completion of all, I wish for you all to know
“LIFE gets rough, that’s where you have to be
tough. BE sure in your heart, and you’ll rarely
screw yourself up. KNOW your strengths and
weakness at all times, and always be aware of
the sappy radio rhymes. (They’ll only make you
want to cry.) KNOW that myself, I am not gone. I,
my spirit, just took another figure on. I’LL be here
when you need me, all you have to do is remember
me always and I’ll have the strength and abilities
to help you make it through this life. BUT, Please,
no more than 3 life crises’ at one time. No more
than 2 “spiritual transformations” at one time. No
more than 4 love/relationship problems at a once,
and no more than 6 social problems at a time, as I
am still learning the process at this time and cannot
or rather am not allowed to handle any more than
the listed number of these particular assignments at
once, without something screwing up or someone
screwing up my plans, which causes me confusion
with the different individuals and their different
assignments, thus causing me to be unable to offer
my help. Also, Please refrain from the whole
mixing of different types of problems, and from
‘sending in’ more than one problem at a time, per
person, because not only are they confusing, but
sending in multiple problems, concerns, or
requests is rather greedy and unnecessary.

will always hold a special place in my heart that
can’t be lost, punctured, altered, damaged or

HEY! REMEMBER? my party, and that I’m Still
waiting for someone to get me a cold beer!….
What? Did you think I was gonna turn all sappy or

Written By

Rebecca G. Fraser

Carl's Illusion