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1.zerocrossings (5.39 min) N.A. due to abovementioned, regards Rd.
2.eastwind (6.19 min) N.A. due to abovementioned, regards Rd.
3.standing behind a product (2.10 min)
- Hal Chamberlin: Simulation of Musical Instruments (1981)
*** UPDATED 17 september 2003
Hal Chamberlin: Computer Bits (1979), Microprocessor Audio Processing (1978), Synthesiser ALF Apple Music
Fairlight, Computer Musical Instrument (1980), Music Editors for Small Computers (1981),Vic-20 D/A converter (1982)
visit Sound/Music by Micro/Computer
- Analogue Vocoder, Speech recog., Talkin' IC's, Sampling, Interfacing and Alg. Composers
*** UPDATED 1 feb 2002
ADPCM speech by Steve Ciarcia, sample swapping by Peter Gotcher, Roland MPU-101, Dr. T Stochastic Composer, Vocoder link to Elektor
visit Vocoder Info
- Analogue Presentations
posted at Tripod US 15th may 2001 (previous AcmeCity)
sound devices: synthesisers, vocoder, roland spaceecho, cbm64 sid and magic voice
visit RealAudio Multimeda
- Musical Instruments by Electronic Music Studios (London UK), like Synthi-A, Computer-Synthi, Synthi-100, Vocoders.
*** UPDATED 1 feb 2002
EMS synthi Random Voltage Generator
visit E.M.S. projects (4 dec 2000 at Tripod US)
Page Published: 11-10-1997 - Page Modified: 7 januari 2004