So Who Am I?

Some people call me the Space-Cowboy... oh wait no they call me Mr no HanoverF it's deffinetly HanoverF, at least around the Dominion and the Caption This! site.

I've been a long time fan of MST3K, tuneing in since the start of season three. I would have watched sooner, but it took my cable company too long to start believeing the death threats (too long for them, tee-hee). The first show I saw was Teenage Caveman, and though it put me to sleep "Aquatic Wizards" and "Catching Trouble" had me hooked.

My love of the show even took me far from my home in Southern Ca all the way to Minneapolis for the ConventioCon ExpoFest-A-Rama 2: Electric Bugaloo (or is that boogaloo?). Maybe I'll create a page about that little trek in the future.

What the HELL do I care? I clicked that link accidently.

It tasted even better then it looks...
Although Tom Servo's clear head tasted awful, but looked pretty cool.
Happy Birthday To Me
I know what your thinking... who is Dr. Foster? Some Australian Beer Doctor or something?
Needless to say the party responsible for the mistake was executed.

This Probably gives away my secret that I'm a bigger fan of Joel then Mike, huh? Oh lets not open up that can of worms...

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