Caption Secret Shat! Central


Inquiring Minds?

Video killed the Radio Shat

Scary Spice?
The Cap Shat-O-Matic

Instant Shatification?


Not Felling Inspired? Try This...

I've thrown up my hands and conformed, I added an automatic random Shat image generator and snazzy guestbook combo like you've seen on better sites,
Thanks to JediClone for borrowing it from Artanas and Jazzsoda and in turn letting it fall into my hands,
visit their autocapping sites and cap a bit as a way of saying thanks,
Shat'll wait.
I've also thrown up some past and almost future Secret Shat images
for you to take your shots at, and there may even be another one not listed here floating around....

Captioned Shat

Back To Caption Central

I Originally Borrowed the Idea for This From E_B_A, Here is his Caption Orgy

Jazzsoda's Caption Lounge is Almost as Good as the Real Thing (The Real Thing Being Caption This!)

Caption Monster-Vision, JediClone's Own Little Caption Hell