Crises In Infinite Worlds

Thanks for dropping by. This is John McMullen's page for discussing:

What's New

Here's what's new:

  1. January 8, 2009: Updated Tekeli-Li a bit.
  2. January 4, 2008: I fixed a table on the Sidekix page, so the links at the top should look the same. I think I'll do something with DCH or Mutants & Masterminds next.
  3. May 2, 2007: I deleted some things, primarily the Palimpsests campaign. I should do more with this site and the things on it, but those darned character sheets take up a lot of room!
  4. July 17, 2006: The lovely and talented Cynthia Celeste Miller has done some spiffy character sheets for Mutants & Masterminds, and I have them here. This one is in colour and this version is in black and white
  5. February 13, 2006: I added some DC-to-Difficulty conversions on the CORPS conversion page, so that those who want to use the 800-lb-gorilla of the gaming industry as a source for adventures can do it just a little easier.
  6. November 15, 2005: Will wonders never cease? I updated the World-Builder's Cookbook, removing a lot of special symbols that don't show properly on Firefox. I added more detail on constant transit accelerations, and probably messed something up. So look for that. (The PDF, also updated, still contains more information, but since it's in Microsoft Word and I hatehateHATE the HTML that Word generates, I retype all of it for the HTML version.)
  7. October 14, 2003: Updated Lovecraft alternative with a new spell (now at tekelili_v2.pdf)
  8. July 8, 2003: Added notes to the intro to interplanetary travel relating solar luminosity to light pressure, so you can calculate the light pressure around other stars. Thanks to Stephen Soliday, who sent me the info.
  9. March 3, 2003: I've expanded the Lovecraft alternative (it's here) by adding more spells and beasts. Also the character sheet for it is available separately here. Both are PDF files.
  10. January 31, 2003: Golly, has it been a year? I added a piece of fiction over on the About page. I'm also going to put up a partially-completed solo adventure. One plot thread is nearly done, the other is not. It will be in PDF format, and you'll be able to use hyperlinks to move about. It's not huge, but I hope when finished it will be a useful didactic tool in teaching CORPS. I also added an in-progress world that's intended as an alternative to existing H. P. Lovecraft stuff, mostly so that there's an alternative that is in no way bound by existing copyrights on CoC. I call it (in blatant homage) Tekeli-li!.

What's Here

I've divided the things I want to talk about into four areas:

Articles about role-playing or RPGs or writing or, well, stuff. Some of these are articles I posted to Usenet groups; some of them are articles I began with the intent of selling to magazines, but never did.
Descriptions of campaign worlds. I have campaign worlds I'm very fond of, from the Canadian DC Heroes sidekick campaign to the SF campaign on the Alderson Disk, from the fantasy world where vampires have citizenship in the city of Aegis to the Dark Champions: Heroes of Vengeance campaign I ran which seemed to exist primarily in coffee-shops...

These descriptions can run to megabytes, so I don't yet know how to handle them. Will I provide overviews and mail detailed descriptions to interested parties? Or will I rotate them? Probably the latter, actually -- but interest and responses will play a part.

Currently there are several up, although they are (by their very nature) incomplete.

Tools I've written or found which help me in the world-creation biz. The first two are PDF files for some useful DC Heroes forms (a character sheet and some of the charts from the game). Other tools which will appear here will be trivial -- I'm no great shakes as a programmer. But a program that spits out random names can be very useful in the twenty minutes before the gang arrives for their weekly dose of mania and mayhem.
There are some places you oughta be able to go. There are some articles I can't reproduce. That's what this is about.

The Games

I GM the following games systems on a more-or-less regular basis:

If You Have Problems Viewing This Page

Although I use tables, I scorn other graphical fripperies, these ought to look okay (though I know the tables don't work well with Lynx). I check these pages with both Netscape Navigator 3 and with Lynx.

If you have problems viewing these pages, tell me.

The Title?

Oh, that.

Well, partly it's an homage to Crisis on Infinite Earths, since a lot of the stuff up here will involve superhero RPGs. But also, I think it's a pretty fair description of writing...of stories.

Stories are (usually) about people at crisis points in their lives -- a story is the most important event or epiphany of a character's life. And since we're not restricting ourselves to the mundane world, there are infinite worlds on which to have these crises. Hence...Crises On Infinite Worlds.

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