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Proud to be an American!!

Welcome to

The Dragon Inn - Established January 19, 1998 -

Inside you will find information about Renaissance Faires, including how to make your own outfits, chainmail, where to buy all sorts of weapons, how to speak the language, and even a few recipes.

You will also find information about Dragons. And if you think you have what it takes to be a Master Thief, then try and find Takish's horde. If you find it, be sure to sign the special Book of Thieves and I will send you the Master Thief Award!

There is even a couple of places for you to leave your mark. You can leave a poem or short story at the Round Table or just leave your name & message in the guestbook.

Plus a lot more! So come on inn and stay a while!

You are the traveler to enter the inn.

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