Here is the list of people who have been tied in the Siamese Human Knot. If they are no longer here, they must have used the basic formula to escape.

Elim - 10/27/00 01:10:51

I was just browsing around looking for batgirl and I am genuinely happy that it brought me out here. It's really fascinating, and I had no idea such a thing had ever been thought up. My interest in odd torture is just enough to pique my curiosity when I hear of a new one, and this takes the cake. Keep using the web to its full potential, and rock on! Elim

Chuck - 06/20/00 19:18:23
Sex: Male
Age: 39 (chronologically)
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Catwoman (?)
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Nora Clavicle
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Nora Clavicle and the Ladies' Crime Club
Your Favorite Bat Trap: The Siamese Human Knot

Does anyone know where I could get a copy of this episode on video tape?

Dean Mellis - 04/22/00 22:24:11
Sex: male
Age: 37
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batman. Are there any other heroes on the show?
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Joker, Penguin, Riddler, King Tut
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Surf's Up! Joker's Under! Nora Clavicle and the Ladies' Crime Club, I'll Be A Mummy's Uncle
Your Favorite Bat Trap: the Knot; marrying Marsha, Queen of Diamonds; perforating player piano of The Great Chandell

I'm overwhelmed with happiness to know that I'm not the only freak that loves the Batman TV show this much. Excellent work!!!!!

eli mcelmurray - 04/06/00 18:05:19
Sex: male
Age: 28
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The unaired Batgirl pilot
Your Favorite Bat Trap: spraying the Pink Cowl

I found your version much better and would love to see it on video.

nick - 04/04/00 03:26:18
Age: 30
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Robin
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Mad Hatter
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Batman & Robin tied to a spit
Your Favorite Bat Trap: The one with Robin about to made into a hat.

I have always had a fetish for those crazy bat traps! I would just love to play the Boy Wonder sometime. I would also like try the Knot some time ... or another trap...

Rob - 01/21/00 23:48:56
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Robin & Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Nora Clavicle
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Londinium Larcenies
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Cats ' Whiskers/S.H.K.

What a great site! Mmmmmm..the SHK is sooooo sexy, how many of us wouldn't like to be in that position with Batgirl? Nora Clavicle is one of the best villianesses ever's a shame she didn't appear more.

Bryan - 01/18/00 19:07:45
Sex: Male
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Electra Woman & Dyna Girl -- I know already, so don't bug me about it.
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman & Joker -- I'd love to see EW & DG vs the Joker!
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: "Londinium Larcenies" trilogy
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Alvino Ray Gun & Cat Whiskers

I can't believe I never signed this Guest book before. Yes, I wrote & published SPANDEX TIGHTS. I'm still alive, and now happily married. I'm working on a ST relaunch but don't hold your breath -- Maybe 2001. TwoF IS the man!!!

dsbrotha - 12/26/99 03:25:19

Laura Boveris - 11/27/99 02:50:52
Sex: female
Age: 26
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batman
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Penguin
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Sand Clock
Your Favorite Bat Trap: all

I love all the episodes, Batman is psychedelic and I love it. I used to want to be the Batgirl.

Martin Flaherty - 11/17/99 12:28:08
Sex: male
Age: 22
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Robin
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Joker
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The one where they are tied up going into the punch machine

Myself and my friends are in university in Galway, Ireland. Every Saturday and Sunday morning we drag ourselves out of bed at 11:00 a.m. to watch Batman. We find it never fails to make us laugh. Do you think the script writers were seeing what they could get away with when they sat around writing each episode?? I mean, seriously, a human knot? Also in that episode, when the last mouse wouldn't go into the water, why didn't Batman just kick it?? Yours Laughingly, Martin Flaherty.

cass - 11/08/99 07:21:59
Age: 21
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Robin
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Nora Clavicle and the Ladies' Crime Club
Your Favorite Bat Trap: the Siamese knot

This has to be the best day. I stumbled across your URL, well by total accident, and I couldn't believe it. I am deadset serious, the Siamese knot was my favorite of favorites. When I think of Batman and Robin it is the first memory that springs to mind. always remeber the way Batman was the hero and knew the secret to getting out (wiggling an ear and a nose or something.) It has been close to 10 years since I saw that episode. I was about 10 yr., but man, wow, I can't believe I found this site. Made my day.

Russ - 06/03/99 18:13:01
Sex: Male
Age: 42
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Dr. Cassandra
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Entrancing Dr. Cassandra
Your Favorite Bat Trap: The Alvino Ray Gun

That was cool watching Batgirl rock helplessly and become flat.

cippy - 04/23/99 01:55:37
Age: 27
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Joker
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: the original movie
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Joker's Rocket

love the site.

GothGirl - 03/18/99 22:14:08

Interesting page :)

John Bonner - 02/24/99 20:27:53
Sex: Male
Age: 45
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Exit Penguin, Enter Batgirl

I am interested in seeing images of Batgirl kickfighting. I have yet to find any.

jP Thomas - 02/23/99 14:47:15
My URL:/SunsetStrip/Arena/5928
Age: 20
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batman
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Joker
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: any Joker episode
Your Favorite Bat Trap: You know, one of my favorites was the Egghead trap in which he tried to read B. Wayne's mind to find out if he was Batman, or maybe it was the Penguin trap with the balloon, or the Catwoman trap with the tigers . . . oh, forget it, any Joker trap!

It's been HOW LONG since I've signed your Guestbook? Seems like a YEAR! I like the way it's going. Keep it up, cause your page *ucking rules!

Theseus55 - 02/17/99 00:35:33
Sex: male
Age: 34
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl (current cartoon)
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Riddler, Catwoman
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: A Riddle a Day Keeps the Riddler Away
Your Favorite Bat Trap: The Riddler's Whirling Wheels

I love this page. It is amazing how many people were so 'touched' by this series!

Hurricane Season - 12/10/98 23:52:23
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Ace the Bat Hound
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): KiteMan
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Surf's Up! Joker's Under!
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Oh, there's so many

Y'know, occasionally you run across a site that's just so darn unique you have to stop and take a look. My congratulations on creating such a site!

Nathan - 12/10/98 19:09:32
Sex: Male
Age: 18
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Alfred
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): The Penguin
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Giant Echo Chamber and The Quick Sand Cake

It's a great site still. I can remember when I first found it...ooh I'm getting all nostalgic now.

Charlie Kopishke - 10/28/98 14:28:12
Age: 44
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Both of the Dynamic Duo
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Riddler/Joker
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Hi Diddle Riddler/Smack in the Middle
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Chimney/Joker Trumps An Ace

Kudos on a terrificly interesting site!!! Just took a few minutes to dash this off, so I will get back to more "Knot" viewing. Please stop by my site some time. Charlie

Bad Bunny - 10/14/98 10:43:50
My Email:
Just surfing. Thanks.

Doug Graham - 10/09/98 04:45:26
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Alfred
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman (Julie Newmar), Penguin, Riddler, Joker, Bookworm, Egghead...all the villains
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Any goofy Bat Trap

Just when I thought it was safe to surf the 'Net...what a hoot! This has got to be the most humorous site I've seen so far! Old memories...I used to watch Batman when I was but a young'un!

Thirty Years and Still Trapped By Batgirl - 08/04/98 22:11:58
Age: 42
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman, Penguin, Joker or Riddler
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Catwoman's Dressed To Kill
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Tie between Cat Whiskers and Pattern Cutter

Great site. All Batgirl fans owe you big time for incubating the BatTrap idea. Have to disagree though that the Human Knot is the best for showing Batgirl's costume. Cat Whiskers and Pattern Cutter top it, IMHO. Thanks keep up the good work!

leotardy - 08/03/98 19:28:59
Age: 39
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batman
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Poison Ivy
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Hi Diddle Riddle
Your Favorite Bat Trap: On the spinning Turbines

Great Web page. I have long been a Batman fan. I started when I saw Adam & Burt For the 1st time. Have been into anything Batman since. I love to go out on Halloween as the Dark Knight and have loved the Warner Brothers movies. I collect any and all Batman collectibles. I even have a pair of Batman pantyhose!
Felon - 06/29/98 09:52:21
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Huntress (pre-Crisis)
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Talia
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Uh..geee....y'know that one with Batgirl tied to the cutting board thingy?
Your Favorite Bat Trap: The aforementioned cutting board thingy

This site is weird in a most wonderful way! I have some Batgirl in peril pics on my page, as well as many others.

Kevin - 06/26/98 07:30:01
Age: 30 ish
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): The TV Batman
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Too numerous to mention
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Too numerous to mention
Your Favorite Bat Trap: inescapable Bat-dummy closet

This is still easily the best of the Bat-Trap sites. I guess it's true what doctors say, "It pays to specialize." I can't help but wonder what new traps might've appeared if NBC had picked up BM for a 4th season as had been discussed. If the show had some how lasted into the 70's, maybe Batgirl & TV's Isis, Joanna Cameron, would've found themselves in some dreaded disco-influenced version of the Siamese knot. It could've happened.

Mike - 06/20/98 03:13:54
My Email:Xelando
Age: 30
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Riddler
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Enter Batgirl, Exit Penguin
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Cat's Whiskers

What a great site. I feel like I've struck oil now that I found The Siamese Human Knot page. Twof is my new hero.

Jeff Williams - 06/17/98 02:51:19
Sex: male
Age: 19
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman, Egghead, Shame
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Great Escape/The Great Train Robbery
Your Favorite Bat Trap: anything with Batgirl

I love the site. Hopefully, there are some more traps with Batgirl in them. I love the drawings and photo manipulations. Please post some more stories.

William Donaldson - 05/30/98 23:27:20
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batman
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): The Riddler
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Joker's Last Laugh
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Giant Echo Chamber

Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Cool site. I'm one of Nath's pals and I think your site Rocks. E-mail me at

Don - 05/16/98 01:22:07
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Nora Clavicle and the Ladies' Crime Club
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Human Surfboard, Mattress Stitcher, Riddler's Spinning Turbines and Candle Dipper, Catapault, and the list goes on...

What an excellent site! Wish there were more women onboard, but oh well. Maybe we could rent a couple of "escorts" and dress them up for a good strapping down. Star Trek has conventions, so why don't we? Feel free to write if you're so inclined. A Mid-westerner with a kinky mind and a body fit for a Batsuit.

cmq - 05/12/98 03:43:25
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): after much thought, its gotta be Batgirl!
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Mr. Freeze
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Purr-fect Crime/Better Luck Next Time
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Alvino Ray Gun/Cat's Whiskers

It's too bad Batgirl never got to meet Mr. Freeze on the old TV show...or got into that wax shower at the Joker's key shop...or got foamed into a human surfboard...or got plastered by the Mad Hatter...or...geez I'm starting to babble now...

Fiend99726 - 04/12/98 13:00:45
Age: 39
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batman
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Joker
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Hot Off The Griddle
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Sandman's Mattress

Love your sites. Glad to meet others who appreciate my all time favorite TV show. Keep up the good work.

Bill - 04/10/98 18:02:00
Sex: male
Age: 33
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Egghead ,Shame
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Ogg Couple
Your Favorite Bat Trap: the tear gas and fear gas traps

Please add the tear gas and fear gas traps to your page with sound bites if possible

squire - 03/25/98 17:35:15
Sex: male
Age: 26
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Catwoman's Dressed to Kill
Your Favorite Bat Trap: All of them

Excellent page. Would love more Batgirl in bondage pics.

Demmy Rooster - 03/22/98 19:39:21
Age: 44
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Alfred
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Egghead
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: ummmm... the one with the egg-fight?
Your Favorite Bat Trap: To be honest, I never watched the show that much :)

All I wanted to say is, have you ever read the book "Neuromancer"? Cauz there's this one part near the end where 3Jane has this thing which looks like a big ball that you put someones hands in, and the principal is that the more you struggle, the tighter it gets... She refers to it as a "sex toy". Just thought you might be interested. LOVE, DEMMY

Mark Huffman - 03/19/98 18:04:51
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Catwoman's Dressed to Kill
Your Favorite Bat Trap: The Pattern Cutter

This is an excellent site!! I love the Batgirl bat-trap page. Keep up the good work. Maybe you can add the first episode, "Exit Penguin, Enter Batgirl" to the bat-trap page. I know that Barbara Gordon is kidnapped, not Batgirl, but since they are one-in-the-same, I think it qualifies. Look forward to expansion of all the bat-traps.

jeff - 03/06/98 03:45:53
Age: 36
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Caped Crusader's Tied Under Catwoman's Giant Magnifying Glasses
Your Favorite Bat Trap: see above

You have a neat page. I liked the fiction story, although the bit about the curare is a bit overdone. Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable piece of bat trap fiction. I loved the tongue in cheek homicidal nature of the villains in the old Batman series. I was a hoot.

dave - 02/26/98 19:19:23
Sex: male
Age: 28
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Catwoman's Dressed to Kill
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Pattern Cutter

This is a great site. A good related site is the mr.x home page.

Jp Thomas - 02/23/98 19:13:58
Sex: male
Age: 19
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Adam West
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Cesar Romero
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Joker is Wild/Batman is Riled
Your Favorite Bat Trap: any Joker trap

Batman(66) pages *ucking rule.

- 02/20/98 04:08:18
Sex: Male
Age: 31
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman- J. Newmar
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Impractical Joker
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Batgirl- Pattern Cutter

Hey Twof, Congrats on your excellent Website! It's very much worth re-visiting often, it's a great resource for Bat Trap info. Keep up all your great effort

Paul - 02/08/98 03:04:42
Age: 32
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: any with Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Alvino Ray Gun

steve bender - 02/01/98 22:54:10
Sex: male
Age: 30
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Michael Keaton's Batman
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Riddler/King Tut/Olga
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Zodiac Crimes/Londinium saga/Batman movie
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Batman & Robin tied to a grill/bomb and torpedo scene from Batman movie

Please let me know how I can obtain copies of the old series, as I'm a HUGE!!! fan of the old series!

Brad Dunn - 01/25/98 22:29:01
Sex: Male
Age: 33
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Riddler
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Ogg Couple
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Catwoman's Pattern Cutting Machine

Hey! Love your site . . . I've always had a tremendous fetish for Batgirl, since childhood! As I grew older, I became more interested in bondage, etc., and she (Yvonne) was invariably getting into trouble! Some suggested images: Egghead throwing Batgirl in the vat of caviar (Delicious!), and also her strapped to the slab by Catwoman. Oh, and who can forget when Joker strapped her to the rocket in "Joker's Flying Saucer"! These would look good on your page, n'est-ce pas? Ty Lightner used to have some Batg rl-in-bondage images, but he took them down for some reason! Peace, Brad

K - 01/09/98 07:18:00
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Aunt Harriet
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): like 'em all
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: several
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Clock King's Hourglass

It's great to see someone with such a unique perspective on the BM show. I can't tie my shoes without thinking of the ol' Human Knot. I'd like to see a little attention paid to the "cavier dunk" that followed the sabre dance in one of the "Egg-ski" episod s. That one always kills me, somehow.

James Licata - 12/31/97 04:25:38
Sex: Male
Age: 36
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batman, Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): The Sandman, Catwoman
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Sandman Cometh/ The Catwoman Goeth
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Batman tied to a mattress under a stitching machine.

Please create more bat traps pages. Thanks.

Cappy - 12/20/97 05:19:32
Age: 33
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman-E. Kitt
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Funny Feline Felonies/The Joke's on Catwoman
Your Favorite Bat Trap: It's a tie SHK/Cat Whiskers

Thanks twof...Keep up the great work.

Nathan - 11/28/97 19:28:50
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Alfred
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Penguin
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Hizzonner the Penguin/Dizzonner the Penguin
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Giant Echo Chamber

Hey twof, me again! Well what a page. A Batman episode has many repeated elements - batfights, batcave scenes but they are made by a bat-trap - top class!

Batfan - 11/24/97 00:50:50
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batman, Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): The Siren
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Hi Diddle Riddle/Smack In the Middle
Your Favorite Bat Trap: When Harry (Liberace) was going to turn Batman and Robin into player piano roles.

Good webpage! Love the pics!

Lyle Staley - 11/23/97 19:19:46
Age: 37
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: The Ogg Couple
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Cossack Saber Dance

Cool Site, Keep Batgirl tied up!

Jim Lucio - 11/18/97 23:58:21
Age: 32
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): The Joker
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Catwoman's Dressed to Kill
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Siamese Human Knot, I guess.

I love your obsession with THE SIAMESE HUMAN KNOT!! Finally, I know where to direct people who I may run into with this interest. Great pic of Trina Parks too.

Ty - 11/16/97 23:37:05
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Catwoman
Your Favorite Bat Trap: Giant Tea Cup

I'm in knots over this page! It's great to see a web site devoted to a single scene in a single Batman episode, and the Human Knot is a nice choice. Batman is one of the few shows deserving of this detailed attention. More power to you!

twof - 11/10/97 17:28:14
Sex: male
Your Favorite Bat Hero(ine): Batgirl (and Robin)
Your Favorite Bat Villain(ess): Nora Clavicle
Your Favorite Batman TV episode: Nora Clavicle and the Ladies' Crime Club
Your Favorite Bat Trap: If you don't know by now, you're not paying attention!

Great site, but of course I would think so! Does anyone else share my obsession?

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