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Welcome to Solace, weary traveler. There's always room for one more. If you feel like kicking off your boots, and chatting with some other residents of Solace, you can go to the Inn on the Last Home. The food is good, the fire warm, and the people friendly.

On the other hand, if you'd rather just sit back and listen, you can find a place around our story-telling fire, and hear bards tell tales from far off corners of Krynn, or even other worlds entirely.

If Knowledge is what you crave, we have a library filled with chronicles telling of some of our local heroes, and some other legends of Krynn as well.

But if you're just passing through, on your way to bigger and better things, just take a quick look at our map of Krynn, to guide you wherever you need to go.

It's your choice . . .

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