Shade and sweet water to you, weary traveler.
You have stumbled onto...

The Holt of Cutter Kinseeker

Click Me! I Howl!

As you can probably tell from the title and greeting, I am something of an ElfQuest fanatic.

What isn't as obvious is my deep love of role-playing games, particularly Rifts, Nightbane, and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. Click here to see some of my interests.

Here is some personal information about my alter ego.

I create new OCCs and RCCs for Rifts and Nightbane in my spare time. They get posted to the Palladium Mailing List first, but then they come here. Want to see them?

The RPG Humor Section: Watch for theme music, sex in Palladium Games, discussions on chicks in RPGs, and more! All of you out there in Netland, send me funny stuff!

Links and Stuff: Take a look at my expanded, revised, and continually cleaned up Links Page. UPDATED

The Plain Text Bin: You don't want to wait for me to HTMLize something that you want to see? Then don't! Visit my newly added Plain Text Bin and get those files now!

Personal Thanks, Copyright Info, and Other Groveling Words: The thanks and copyright section grew so large that I had to move it off the index page. Check it out to see all of the people who are responsible for this page! (And you can interpret that statement in any way you wish. :) UPDATED

Updates and Notes:

January 1, 2001: Hi, my name is Heiwako Isha and I will be trying to fill in for Cutter. He has had some family problems and is currently completely unable to get access to the internet. I will be adding some new sections, mostly done by me. Cutter may be able to send me some of his own stuff so keep an eye out. I have VERY limited web managing experience so if something funky happens to the page, blame me. But do not worry because I will have help. ^_^

September 26, 2000: Today I updated my links page and revised my thanks and copyrights page. No major anomalies, but these are the first of the promised revisions, and a sign of my good faith to keep working on the site.

August 1, 2000: As The Holt of Cutter Kinseeker rapidly approches five thousand plus hits (a number I never even dreamed of when I started the site), I would like to take a moment to explain why the page hasn't really been updated in about a year and a half. Mostly due to my personal life (I got a girlfriend, started writing for real, and left college for a while to tough out the working week), but also to some degree to apathy and weariness. I thought I had done about all I could with the page as things stood. Palladium was in a slump, WaRP had apparently canceled the plans for the ElfQuest movie, and I was just tired of the internet in general.
I went through a lot of trials and troubles throughout the last year, most of which I don't care to talk about in this forum, but I believe that they have left me a stronger person, more ready to devote some of my time (through some friends and an indirect work environment) back to this site.
Over the next couple of months, I plan to redesign the page for a cooler look, as well as add new information, new links, clear out the dead links, and even start archiving fanfiction! Hopefully, this will get the people who've been complaining out of my hair. :)
Get ready, world.
This Wolfrider's about to howl.

Email me at Send me comments, questions, and requests for what you want to see on this page--I'll take it all under advisement. If you have anything related to Palladium RPGs or RPG humor that you want to post to the internet, and you don't have your own web page, send it to me and I'll see what I can do.

You are the human to visit the Holt. Hope you don't end up like all the others.

Last updated January 1,2001.

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