I was told to share these pages with you:

  1. On pages 11-13, "The correct prayer is therefore never a prayer of supplication, but a prayer of gratitude...God knows what you know, and what you know is what appears as your reality...Every prayer-every thought, every statement, every feeling is creative. To the degree that it is fervently held as truth, to that degree will it be made manifest in your experience."


  2. On page 28, "Your job on Earth, therefore, is not to learn (because you already know, but to re-member Who You Are. And to re-member who everyone else is."


  3. On page 93, "I am is the strongest creative statement in the universe."


  4. On page 178, "Because the universe has no choice but to bring you the direct manifestation of your thought about it...Now, whatever follows the wordI (which calls forth the Great I Am) tends to manifest in physical reality."

Conversations With God-reviews

My Process:

Neale Donald Walsch's book synthesizes (puts together) much of what I have "re-membered" and intuited up to now, in a way which helps me to "internalize" (live Life through effective spiritual reflexes) enough, as preparation for my share of the GREAT WORK.

From Ponder on, some of what I have read, mentioned techniques which depended on believing and affirming that what was needed, already existed. This has not been easy for me to do, as it seems that I have readily believed in statements of lack up to now.

Somehow, Walsch's book helps me to "internalize" just how and why Faith and affirmations work, so that I can channel Healing to my Life and to the lives of others through me, more effectively and powerfully. To channel Healing as Christ did, of course, I must have healed myself first, wherever it has been Divinely Relevant to my Process, to do so.

Up to now, I always visualized our lifetimes as being in school. But Walsch's image of "re-membering", has the "ring" of a pivotal TRUTH for me.

Walsch's message about how the strongly creative "I am" and "I" statements work, has helped me to realize just how I have blocked Healing, in the past.

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