You may be reaching the real relief in ur life when soul ,
personality and body all come together on the same way..
having the same wishes and ,desires.....they can be all
high,innocent ..Or they can be all evil, guilty. .
both humans will live in great peace with
themselves ...suffer arises only from Contradiction among
those three parts of human....the blame
of a high soul
to a faulty personality or
a guilty body ...or the enforcement of a good deeds of the
body on a low soul. . maybe as a requirement of the
surrounding social environment.......both situations appear
to be the majority of people ...
A high soul is that which is directly connected to its
source ALLAH.....this soul expresses its self by affecting
its body and personality trying to transmit the same
connection to them ...the soul uses its great power of
relief , and the good feeling when the body and personality
obey GOD...and its harmful power of feeling guilty. .when
they act wrongly.....this can be first
alternative .....right and wrong...in most stages of
life ...and in most people ....but the real gain ..and
victory when body and personality are adapted only to the
good feeling and become frightened of the feeling of
being guilty to the extent that they can not bear it any more...
at more superior levels ..when a real and direct connection
between u and ALLAH..body which is lowest of the three will
never obey any desire of the self to make a wrong thing..
this upgrading of the self,. can only be reached by getting
help from the source of souls ALLAH..
at certain stage Allah will not let you to harm yourself or
your soul..it all depends on how near u r and how near you
try to be from ALLAH.....
Soul and body
Soul is that part that we want to see and
want others to see , not cuz ,it is
more high or more clear than our truth, but becuase it can
show the best of us ,it does not show the difference
between what is really established in ourselves and what we
are dreaming of , ....it does not show the points of
contradictions between our doings and our sayings .......why
i am saying that on an internet page ....cuz one of
the internet concepts...is its tricking ability to give that
soul image among those who r using it ....
I said tricking ..as it is actually so,.....when u
deal with someone behind hundred of masks u can not
visualize anything except what he/she is submitting to
u....even with the greatest honesty from both sides ,still
there are many other factors...the ability to express ideas
differs between people ,the mask of language ...i think
that one is great ; another language u may use must
superimpose its own civilization on your words ...it must do
that even if u do not feel.it....the loss of other
details ,...of your own personality...which can not be
expressed in
words ..can be only seen in acts ...this part is not
submitted through
chatting ,mailing ,...homepages..etc,.
These are all apart from the environmental ,physical
characters of people that is surely have its own
strong effect...on working out the net result relation
ship......even if all this could be overcome by
some powerful , extremely influencing
souls ...at this time ,i believe that the greatest the soul
is really are , the more its chance of failure..when things
come to be facts ...this great soul will not endure any
fact: as all things will be inferrior to it , not reaching
its superior place ....you can start..as poor man who
becomes the richest man in the world , but the opposite is
very painful and shocking...