Sprite MoonShadow - 09/24/00 22:01:53
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/alpha/1664/index.html
My Email:starbreezemagic@hotmail.com
Age: Somewhere between 1 and 100
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Hmm, dragon, I think
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Anne McCaffrey - Dragon Song
Your Favorite Author: Terry Pratchett
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yup
| Comments:
Free the illusions, let your imagination grow
Utter a word of caring, let your spirit show
Never underestimate the power of the Fights

Should your spirit drop, it will be saved by the Sprites
Pretend not as if you do not know how to give
If you do not know that, how can you live?
Rightfulness will be your loyal guardian if you so wish
Imagine the evil you in this world can rid

Trust your team members as you advance to the top
orget the pain in the struggle, think about what you got
River and stream float through your dreams and lead you on the
Iris, rose, bluebell and daisy
Eternity ends not, but don’t be hazy
Naiad, dryad and fairy so true
Dream about friendship, dream about you
Support your friends and whoever might so need
Help them with a caring heart, so they don’t need to plead
If still your spirit is with me on this
Please come and pay me a short visit
Sue, Lily and Tansy - 09/23/00 19:51:32
My URL:http://www.kalielsprairedogs.homestead.com/
My Email:kaliel@peoplepc.com
Age: 52
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: dragons
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: too many to mention
Your Favorite Author: Piers Anthony
Your Favorite Movie: Labryrinth
Do You Believe in Magic?: YES!!!
| Comments:
My prairie dogs and I noticed your site while voting and finally had time to come for a visit. You have a very nice site with lovely graphics. Would you be interested in VE? Check out our site and let us know. ***HUGS***
Sprite Peacock Chaser - 09/17/00 00:29:39
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/llamagirl2/Amy's_Peacock
My Email:AmyAmyM@aol.com
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Unicorns!
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: I love fantasy! Almost all fantasy books are good. I love Tamora Pierce
Your Favorite Author: Tamora Pierec is big, although I have lots of other favorites
Do You Believe in Magic?: yep... I wish it would show up more often
| Comments:
Sprite Peacock Chaser
On the wings of a bird
Flew right on over
There was fun here I'd heard
So I came on down
To give your site a look
It looks like a picture
Right out of a book
I'm a fantasy lover too you see
It's something in common between you and me
So before I have to leave the place,
I have a few comment to leave in my haste:
Hi! Your site is really nice. I love fantasy, especially unicorns, and fantasy is my favorite type of book to read. I loved all the pictures and hope to find myself coming this way again!
Manda - 08/22/00 21:43:47
My URL:http://www5.50megs.com/manda/realm.html
My Email:manda_was_here@yahoo.com
Age: 20
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: centaur
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Imajica by Clive Barker
Your Favorite Author: Clive Barker/ Stephen King
Your Favorite Movie: Gone With the Wind/Labrynth
Do You Believe in Magic?: Of course!!
| Comments:
Here's a little cheer..
To help you on your way..
 A little bit of spirit..
To brighten up your day..

Have a great time & Good luck in the fights!

Manda's Enchanted Realm
kory shute - 08/22/00 01:35:10
My Email:kory96@yahoo.com
Age: 22
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: dragon
| Comments:
Knightess Alyssa - 08/09/00 22:18:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/iluvpika
My Email:iluvpika@yahoo.com
Age: 22
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Unicorn
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Anything by Piers Anthony
Your Favorite Author: Piers Anthony
Your Favorite Movie: Interview with a Vampire
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes
| Comments:
You have a great site!
Sprite UnicornBryte - 07/31/00 12:45:22
My URL:/blueunicorn1
My Email:blueunicorn@hotmail.com
Age: 42
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Unicorn
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes
| Comments:
Sprite UnicornBryte
on her tippy toe toes
Has wandered into your home
With butterfly friends and
a smile that glows
And a friendship that's bursting to roam
So open your doors and
Let her fly through
To warm your heart with a smile
And when she departs
You will know of the start
Of a friendship that started with style

Sprite UnicornBryte - 07/29/00 05:21:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/blueunicorn1
My Email:blueunicorn@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Unicorn
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes
| Comments:
Sprite UnicornBryte
on her tippy toe toes
Has wandered into your home
With butterfly friends and
a smile that glows
And a friendship that's bursting to roam
So open your doors and
Let her fly through
To warm your heart with a smile
And when she departs
You will know of the start
Of a friendship that started with style
Me - 07/27/00 17:45:04
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Pixie
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Luv them all
Your Favorite Movie: Titanic
Do You Believe in Magic?: YES!
| Comments:
cool site!
New Page 1
Trina - 07/20/00 19:13:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/zoe_n_trina
My Email:trina31387@cableone.net
Age: 13
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: nymph
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Ring of Magic
Your Favorite Author: ?????
Your Favorite Movie: ?????
Do You Believe in Magic?: yap
| Comments:
I really like your page, it's neat! If you want you can check-out my page. Well have giid luck in the fantasy fights. if you want we could ve.
Wanda - 07/20/00 17:04:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/powerpuffgurl_2001
My Email:calista22@www.com
Age: 13
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: mermaid
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Book of Shadows
Your Favorite Author: Some old Witch
Your Favorite Movie: Titanic
Do You Believe in Magic?: YUP
| Comments:
New Page 2
New Page 4

Here to Enter Magickal Place, called: ~*Wanda's Mythical World*~... |
Wanda - 07/19/00 17:32:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/mythtica
My Email:fae@www.com
Age: 13
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Mermaids ...I love them all
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Book of Shadows
Your Favorite Author: NO
Your Favorite Movie: Titanic
Do You Believe in Magic?: YES!
| Comments:
Cool site!!! Awesome job! CAn you add my site to your links page, pleeease, let me know, email me : fae@www.com , if you will link me on your site I will link you on main.
pansy - 07/19/00 14:17:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pansy49
My Email:pansy49@yahoo.com
Age: as old as time itself
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: all of them
Your Favorite Movie: Dances With Wolves
Do You Believe in Magic?: but of course
| Comments:
 Keep up the great work!!
Stephanie Ruston - 07/12/00 14:00:01
My URL:http://www.ruston.homestead.com/parent.html
My Email:steph_rust@yahoo.ca
Age: 23
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: fairy
Your Favorite Movie: In the Mouth of Madness
Do You Believe in Magic?: yes
| Comments:
 Just surfed in I love your site Keep up the go
d work And best of luck IN THE FANTASY FIGHTS!!!
Stormie - 06/19/00 07:21:52
My URL:http://www.stormie.org
My Email:stormie@stormie.org
Age: 27
| Comments:
Hiya, just surfin thru the Enchanted Unicorns sites and dropped in to say Hi...you have a great site here, keep up the good work.
I look forward to workin with you as your new team captain and wish you luck this week..and remember to keep that spirit...get out and show the unicorn spirit and cheer ur heart out :-)
Stormie :-)
Lisa - 06/11/00 11:44:30
My URL:http://lisasdisney.bizland.com
My Email:lisa.furnish@ntlworld.com
Age: 21
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: unicorns
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Catwitch
Your Favorite Author: Terry Pratchett
Your Favorite Movie: Disney's The Lion King
Do You Believe in Magic?: Of course!!
| Comments:
I love your website! I particularly love the way you fade the old page to reveal your page-that is amazing and stands your site out from all the others. Good luck in the fights-let me know if you would like to vote exchange!
Lisa x
Webmistress FantasyLove's - 05/22/00 14:48:48
My URL:http://www.webcompetition.net
My Email:fantasyloves@webcompetition.net
Age: :)
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Unicorn's
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Many
Your Favorite Author: Many
Your Favorite Movie: To Many
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yup
| Comments:
Hi, Just came on by to wish you luck in the Fantasy Fights. If their is anything you need please let me know.. Hugs Webmistress Of The Fantasy Fights.
Sprite Overlooking Angel - 05/17/00 03:01:10
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: unicorn and pegasus
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes
| Comments:
It doesn't matter, rain or shine
I've got one thing on my mind.
To bring you joy, and it's a must.
I've sprinkled you with angel dust.

jade - 05/14/00 20:19:01
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/vdarkjadev/welcome1.htm
My Email:vdarkjadev@aol.com
Age: 23
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: uni's
Do You Believe in Magic?: of course
| Comments:
hello this is jade i am just here to wish u luck this week in the fantasy fights!!!! good luck yahooo dont forget to cheer and vote for yourself!!!!
Sprite Overlooking Angel - 05/10/00 13:19:07
My URL:http://www.webcompetition.net/~garden/
Age: centuries old
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: pegasus and unicorn
Do You Believe in Magic?: yes
| Comments:
kitty - 05/10/00 02:06:54
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ak3/lulukitty/index.html
My Email:cjonz12@yahoo.com
Age: 26
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Elvis
Your Favorite Author: Jack Kerouac
Your Favorite Movie: Swingers
Do You Believe in Magic?: yep
| Comments:
Hi..it's kitty. Just wanted to wish you luck this week and encourage you to cheer cheer cheer!!!
jade - 05/08/00 04:31:45
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/vdarkjadev/welcome1.htm
My Email:vdarkjadev@aol.com
Age: 23
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: unicorns lol
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: legend and laby and last uni
Your Favorite Author: um anne rice i guess
Your Favorite Movie: opps wrong thing lol
Do You Believe in Magic?: of course
| Comments:
just stopping in to wish u good luck this week in the fights!! dont forget to cheer and also vote for yourself everyday !!! good luck!!
jade - 04/27/00 04:59:23
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/vdarkjadev/welcome.htm
My Email:vdarkjadev@aol.com
Age: 23
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: unicorn
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: labyrinth
Your Favorite Author: anne rice
Your Favorite Movie: legend, last uni, labyrinth
Do You Believe in Magic?: of couse!!
| Comments:
hello just stopping by to wish you luck in the fights this week!!! good luck yahoooo go unicorns!! jade
Overlooking Angel - 04/25/00 05:11:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/the1windrider
Age: centuries of wisdom
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: pegasus and unicorns
Do You Believe in Magic?: yes
| Comments:
Greetings to you! I am Overlooking Angel, Sprite for the Enchanting Unicorns, and I've come to wish you Best of luck at the Fantasy Fights!
Unicorns run, Unicorns play Unicorns fight in the Fantasy Fights! Go Unicorns!
Put a little Sprite in your life,
lots and lots of cheers would be nice,
You have just been sprinkled,
and good luck in your fight,
Put a little Sprite in your life!
Sprite FelineLuver - 04/22/00 08:26:45
My Email:felineluver@hotmail.com
Age: 13
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: dragons and unicorns
Your Favorite Author: K.A Applegate and Tamora Pierce
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes I do
| Comments:
I'm Sprite FelineLuver of
the Enchanted Garden
Care to join our quest to
spread cheer and spirit?
Shout GO TEAM!
Or perhaps you'd prefer
to surf the web as a
knight in shining armour
Inviting people to join
our fantastic family
by the hour?
If buddies are your thing
If spirit is your universe
Then give the Gryphons a ring
and they'll give you the right words
Don't forget the calling card guild
and the wonderful friendship quilt
made by our very own
All these things the
Fantasy Fights offer
Of course, the number
one job is being
a fighter!

Easter Bunny - 04/19/00 23:36:23
| Comments:
Sprite Overlooking Angel - 04/18/00 00:09:44
| Comments:
~You've just been visited by Overlooking Angel and her helper
Good luck to you at the fights this week!
Sprite Overlooking Angel - 04/03/00 10:47:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/the1windrider
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Pegasus
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: The Lord of the Rings
Your Favorite Author: Tolstoi
Your Favorite Movie: Casablanca
Do You Believe in Magic?: yes
| Comments:
I am and I am a magic , who has come to sprinkle magic on your page. Good luck to you at the f
ghts this week!
~Luminesque~ - 04/01/00 22:24:32
My URL:http://www.webcompetition.net/~garden/
My Email:mastersprite@webcompetition.net
Age: heehee
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragons
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: The DragonRiders of Pern Series
| Comments:

Sprite Luminesque and
her tippy toe toes
Have wandered into your home
With butterfly friends and
a smile that glows
And a friendship that's bursting to roam
So open your doors and
Let us fly through
To warm your heart with a smile
And when we depart
You will know of the start
Of a friendship that started with style
ashleigh - 03/31/00 16:18:19
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/XxMiSTrEsSXx341/Page3.html
My Email:XxMiSTrEsSXx341@Aol.com
Age: 15
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Unicorns&Fearies
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Labyrinth
Your Favorite Author: lots of them
Your Favorite Movie: Labyrinth
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes
| Comments:
Your page is really good! I love it, keep up the good work!!
Legend - 03/09/00 17:27:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/1925
My Email:Legend_of_Myst@yahoo.com
Age: 16
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragon
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: The Hobbit
Your Favorite Author: J.R.R. Tolkein
Your Favorite Movie: Dragonheart
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes
| Comments:
Hey...was getting bored on the internet and thought I'd take a look at your site. It was then when i realized I hadn't signed your guestbook yet. Well, here I am!
Ashleigh - 03/09/00 01:24:10
My URL:Sorry I dunno
My Email:ShOoTiNgStAr341@Aol.com,XxMiSTrEsSXx341@Aol.com
Age: 15
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragons
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Wizard of OZ
Your Favorite Author: William Shakespere
Your Favorite Movie: American Pie
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yeah
| Comments:
I Love ur pictures of Dragons they are sooooo cute, Keep up the good work!
Dale - 03/03/00 13:10:42
My Email:dheiken@montana.net
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Death
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Hogfather
Your Favorite Author: Terry Prachett
Do You Believe in Magic?: Define "magic"...
| Comments:
Hiya Red...ya seem to be lost on your journey again!!! Look for me when the search has resumed!
Christine - 01/13/00 02:40:54
My Email:Tnkrbell01@aol.com
Age: 18
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Faerie
Your Favorite Movie: Labyrinth and Legend
Do You Believe in Magic?: yes I do
| Comments:
I think that your site is beautiful and the pictures are gorgeous, I was wondering if perhaps I can use a couple of them for my website which I am creating soon. I'm probably going to have more than one :o) I have just begun in witchcraft and I haven't do
e much of it because I am so busy but I appreciate all of the information so that when I do have the time to do it will be as powerful as it possibly can be. Keep up the fabulous work. You did a terriffic job.
Kendra Wilson - 10/28/99 03:13:13
My Email:dodie-@msn.com
Age: twentythree
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: unicorn
Your Favorite Author: Ann Rice
Your Favorite Movie: pratical magick
Do You Believe in Magic?: yes
| Comments:
I have enjoyed you're web page and would like to look it up agen.
kendra wilson - 10/28/99 03:04:18
| Comments:
Lori - 08/19/99 20:26:09
My URL:http://www.mctcnet.net/~riskiy/aero_darkness/
My Email:crow@mctcnet.net
Age: 36
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: unicorn
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: anything on fantasy or mythology.
Your Favorite Author: Tolken
Your Favorite Movie: Legends
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes
| Comments:
I have always believed in my heart that there is
something out there keeping a safe watch over me!
I never feel alone..who that someone is, is still a mystery to me! I love your site..it's truly beautiful...thanks for allowing me to escape this
world. I had a wonderful jounrey!!!!
justine - 02/28/99 10:03:47
My Email:myschevious1@yahoo.com
Age: 24
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: faries
Your Favorite Movie: fairy tale
Do You Believe in Magic?: of course!!
| Comments:
I was looking forward to seeing your image of an enchanted fairy, only to be disappointed by the number 457 appearing...was there a hidden place to find the image?
lucy - 02/12/99 19:39:00
My Email:david.wilbraham@which.net
Age: 33
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: unicorn
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: once and future king
Your Favorite Author: tolkien
Your Favorite Movie: legend
Do You Believe in Magic?: absolutely
| Comments:
gorgeous pages thanks so glad to see them.please contact me via dave my partner :-) at
Sir Sheklen Quesinil, Paladin of Paladine - 01/29/99 20:18:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ut/SheklenQuesinil
My Email:sheklen@aol.com
Age: 168
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Ki-Rin
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Dragon Lance Chron. 1-4
Your Favorite Author: Weis & Hickman
Your Favorite Movie: Star Wars 1-3 so far
Do You Believe in Magic?: Oh Yea!
| Comments:
Very much enjoyed your page, maybe a little bit of music to go with them. I also have some pictures of Black Unicorns If you'd like them. Very well put together.
Corey Johnson - 01/19/99 19:20:45
My Email:coreylj@hotmail.com
Age: 17
Do You Believe in Magic?: sure
| Comments:
I was just looking around for pictures from Neuschwantstein for a project in my computer class at school and I found your site helpful. Thank you for the wonderful pictures.
Blue Green Gem - 12/27/98 08:53:39
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~BlueGreenGem
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragons
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Desert Eden
Your Favorite Author: None really...
Your Favorite Movie: Deep Impact
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yeah, I guess you could say I do.
| Comments:
Interesting page, Excuse me as I go look around some more. :)
Nemisis - 10/30/98 17:02:35
My Email:darknemisis@hotnail.com
Age: 21
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: elves, but...there not mythical
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Any Shanara book!
Your Favorite Author: Terry Brooks
Your Favorite Movie: The Saint
Do You Believe in Magic?: Of course!
| Comments:
Merry Meet,
Just surfed on your page...thought it was good.:)
D. Nemisis
10/14/98 10:40:29
Just surfing. Thanks.
Eben de Klerk - 09/17/98 11:25:50
My URL:http://home.intekom.com/eben
My Email:omni@intekom.co.za
Age: 38
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragons
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Lord of the Rings
Your Favorite Author: Tolkien
Your Favorite Movie: Blade Runner
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes
| Comments:
What an incredible site you have! I really enjoyed my visit!
Best wishes!
John - 09/11/98 20:28:50
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~JMM1981/Supergirl.html
My Email:weepy_donuts@hotmail.com
Age: 17
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: dragons
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Star Wars
Your Favorite Author: John Grisham
Your Favorite Movie: Supergirl
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes!
| Comments:
I enjoy your fantasy pages! Please visit my page and sign my guestbook. Thank you!
Calypso ThunderCrest DesertSun StormFist - 09/05/98 20:52:27
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/inaoran
My Email:ladycaly@hotmail.com
| Comments:
I was passing through your land, and stopped to take a look...very nice, very nice indeed...come visit my land at any time...regards, Calypso
Tracy Hofman - 08/12/98 06:05:14
My URL:http://www.spin.net.au/~thehofmans
My Email:thehofmans@spin.net.au
Age: 32
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Any Dragon
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Any Arthurian
Your Favorite Author: Too many to name
Your Favorite Movie: I have 4 fav's
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes
| Comments:
I surfed in from Kara's site - the word Dragon was mentioned hence I got intereted. I'm into dragons and wizards and anything Merlinish, but I'm also into a lot of other stuff, so I'm not an expert in anyone thing. I might pinch a picture or two for my
ite - not that it has a theme - but it will once I figure out what that is going to be! See ya!
Lynn - 08/11/98 21:05:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/hollow/6145
My Email:ardnasidhe@geocities.com
Age: Old enough not to admit it
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Faeries (who says they mythical?)
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Mists of Avalon
Your Favorite Author: Marion Zimmer Bradley
Your Favorite Movie: The English Patient
Do You Believe in Magic?: Absolutely
| Comments:
Merry Meet! You have some beautiful graphics... I can't wait until you add some more! Nice page.. keep up the good work!
Jeremy - 08/08/98 16:13:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/3678/
My Email:jer_17@hotmail.com
Age: 16
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragon
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: TWOT
Your Favorite Author: Robert Jordan
Do You Believe in Magic?: YES
| Comments:
This is a cool page!
Visit my page too, for lots of great info on fantasy books, authors etc.
june - 08/07/98 01:12:22
My URL:http://fastinternet.net.au/~junef
My Email:junef@rocketmail.com
Age: 33
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: unicorn
Your Favorite Author: steven king
Your Favorite Movie: ghost
Do You Believe in Magic?: yes
| Comments:
just surfed into your page .. great stuff.. im a unicorn freak too.. come and look at my page if you get a second, but i cant find it on my harddrive anymore to update it again..
bye.. june
Zilette - 08/06/98 14:00:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/8651/index.html
My Email:domesticgodess52@hotmail.com
Age: 52
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragon
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Acorna
Your Favorite Author: McCaffrey, Brooks, Eddings, Anthony, etc. etc.
Your Favorite Movie: It's a Wonderful Life, Legends, Neverending Story
Do You Believe in Magic?: Magic comes in many forms.
| Comments:
Although I am a Christian I believe that all religions have validity. I am against Satanists or those with evil intent of course. But religion and love are one. No matter what the sect name is. Even if one does not believe in Jesus Christ to observe h
s teachings and works he was a marlvelous being. And to follow the teachings of one so great is an honor. He taught us the meaning of love, giving, caring, devotion to God and forgiveness. Is that not what all religioins teach? Your page seems to have
honor and integrity and you do not push your ideas down ones throat but present them for one to see and decide for themselves and I can respect that. I got here by investigation of dragons, unicorns and fantasy things.
Rob Lee - 08/05/98 01:32:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/parc/4351
My Email:robwlee@geocities.com
Age: 17
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragon
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: don't have one...
Your Favorite Author: John Keats
Your Favorite Movie: There are too many of them...
Do You Believe in Magic?: Only as an evil force...
| Comments:
Where's the best place to voice your hatred of magic than in a magic website?? I think magic is a force of the devil...even wicca. Escpecially wicca. I think the design of the page is cool, but I think the magic part is utterly vulgar and disgusting.
hat's all I have to say. The Dragon was cool though.
Lady Ch'Sia - 08/04/98 21:00:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~keepofshadows.html
My Email:Chsia@hotmail.com
Age: Too old
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragons are not myth
Do You Believe in Magic?: Most certainly
| Comments:
I much admire your pictures of dragons, they make me think of my wonderous Ch'Gral.
Jasmin (Kaya Akasha) - 08/02/98 00:06:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/9641
My Email:Jadecat_jas@hotmail.com
Age: 17
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragons
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: unsure
Your Favorite Author: Stephen King and Anne Rice
Your Favorite Movie: All Stephen King and "Ever After" currently
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes, I'm a practitioner of Wicca.
| Comments:
Noticed your link on DynamicSex.com and wanted to check it out... pretty cool but some of the pictures aren't coming up...Is it your bad or mine???? Check mine out sometime. Blessed Be!
Zandra MoonScorpion - 07/31/98 18:30:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire/7484
My Email:Zandra69@hotmail.com
Age: 20
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragons
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: The Last of the Very Great Wangdoddles
Your Favorite Author: Robert Jordan
Your Favorite Movie: The Lion King, and Titanic
Do You Believe in Magic?: Absolutly
| Comments:
Meery meet!! Beautiful site. *S* I will be stopping back to see what you add.
Lady Calypso - 07/31/98 08:15:45
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/inaoran
My Email:ladycaly@hotmail.com
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: nymphs
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: hmmm...ain't sure...
Your Favorite Author: cs lewis
Your Favorite Movie: The Crow
Do You Believe in Magic?: but of course!
| Comments:
A very lovely page...I should like to invite you to join any one of my three webrings, or all three...you would certainly qualify...the information can be found at http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Labyrinth/2079
Peace and Light,
Calypso ThunderCrest DesertSun-A'Mhara
Queen of Umilamar
Erik Bloodstone (not real name) - 07/23/98 15:04:13
My Email:Holymike@videotron.ca
Age: 16
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: The Phoenix, unicorns, elves, dwarves, gnomes, hobbits...
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: The Simarillon,The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit
Your Favorite Author: J.R.R. Tolkien
Your Favorite Movie: I don't really watch movies...
Do You Believe in Magic?: Everything is Magic...From the flight of a Dragon to the growth of a flower... How can I not belive in everything that's around me?
| Comments:
Well, I must say that you seem happy with what you do. I only have one question : isn't Wiccka magic Drudical magic? I've done a few studies and it seems that the first "satanists" were druids that were killed by Christians.
Hey, as long as you're happy. I wish you all a safe journey. Good day to you.
Amyra - 07/19/98 21:26:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7495
My Email:iiceangel7@usa.net
Age: 18
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Fairies, Mermaids, and Vampires
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: The Xanth books by Piers Anthony
Your Favorite Author: Piers Anthony
Your Favorite Movie: The Craft, and Interview with a Vampire
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes
| Comments:
Cool page. I like it a lot, if you get a chance anyone who reads this, please visit my page and sign my book, thanks.
Mike 'Shaft' Kelly - 07/19/98 03:17:06
My URL:/area51/shire/5631/
My Email:mikekel@csolve.net
Age: 15
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Moogle
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: the WoT series
Your Favorite Author: Michael Crichton
Your Favorite Movie: Silence of the Lambs
Do You Believe in Magic?: course I do
| Comments:
nice page, the pictures are cool
Mike 'Shaft' Kelly - 07/19/98 03:15:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/shire/5631/
My Email:mikekel@csolve.net
Age: 15
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Moogle
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: the WoT series
Your Favorite Author: Michael Crichton
Your Favorite Movie: Silence of the Lambs
Do You Believe in Magic?: course I do
| Comments:
nice page, the pictures are cool
EpochAWOL - 07/18/98 15:47:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/dimension/2808
My Email:epochawol@hotmail.com
Age: 18
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragon
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Your Favorite Author: Douglas Adams
Your Favorite Movie: undecided...
Do You Believe in Magic?: yes... sortof...
| Comments:
Just wanted to tell you that you have an excellent page and I'll definately check back to see your updates. You have some excellent pictures. I stumbled across your page from Kara's Dynamic Sex page. Anyway... Keep up the good work.
Giancarlo Massaro - 07/16/98 23:55:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/5160
My Email:massaro@numerica.it
Age: almost 49
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: ares-mars (after venus hee heee!!)
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: momo
Your Favorite Author: sitchin
Your Favorite Movie: 2001 Odissea nello Spazio
Do You Believe in Magic?: everithing is MAGIK here!!!!!!!!!!
| Comments:
Dear Kara, your site is the best I ever saw in the whole web!!!!!!!!It is funny and intelligent and nice and scientific as I imagine it's webmaster is!!!!!Among your photos, I prefer the one which shows you with your fine friends (scusa il sangue latino!)
and I hope you will excuse me because I late sing for you:...
Tonight, here in Brescia, there is a concert of David Crosby: I love westcoast musik, since the times of Grateful Dead!!!! Ciao from Italy
Giancarlo Massaro di Eredità Cydonia
Ann - 07/16/98 18:41:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/4612
My Email:drann#bigfoot.com
Age: of reason
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Sagitbearius
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: Canterbury Tales
Your Favorite Author: Stephen Vincent Benet
Your Favorite Movie: While You Were Sleeping
Do You Believe in Magic?: Mais oui...certainment!
| Comments:
Great site (found your link in Kara's list)--congratulations, and thanks for
the good resources!
Tammy Lynn Eager - 07/16/98 14:13:06
My URL:http://www.pitt.edu/~tlest12
My Email:tlest12+@pitt.edu
Age: 21
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragon
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: (story) "A MidSummer Night's Dream"
Your Favorite Author: Shakespeare
Your Favorite Movie: Empire Strikes Back
Do You Believe in Magic?: Of course
| Comments:
The images are beautiful and well chosen.
How could you not believe in make-believe?
DJ - 07/16/98 03:31:05
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az/DenofDragons/index.html
Age: <---is a human consept
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Dragon
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: The Hobbit
Your Favorite Author: J.M.S. and J.R.R. Tolkien
Your Favorite Movie: Consperacy Theory
Do You Believe in Magic?: Yes
| Comments:
I like this page....hey, will you visit mine? PLease??????
James H McDougall - 07/15/98 17:41:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~irongrip/
My Email:SHDruid@aol.com
Age: 18
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Griphon
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: the Elenium
Your Favorite Author: David Eddings
Your Favorite Movie: Excalibur
Do You Believe in Magic?: oh ya
| Comments:
Nice page here. Check mine out sometime?. its almost about the same things but is slightly more detailed.
Jonna - 07/15/98 04:22:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/5393/index.html
My Email:CloudLove9@aol.com
Age: 15
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Unicorns!
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: A Wrinkle in Time
Your Favorite Author: I have many
Your Favorite Movie: have many also
Do You Believe in Magic?: I absoulutly,positivetivly,Do!!!!!!
| Comments:
umm Hi I LOVE YOU PAGE!!!!!
LoryJade - 07/15/98 03:22:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/lair/4103
My Email:loryjade@yahoo.com
Age: 20
Your Favorite Mythical Creature: Unicorn
Your Favorite Fantasy Book: too many to mention
Your Favorite Author: Timothy Zahn & Isabel Allende
Your Favorite Movie: Star Wars
| Comments:
I loved your page, specially the part of the unicorns. Great work!
Kara Townsend - 07/01/98 22:17:53
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am
24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last
several months. Please visit my site, Kara's
dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself
within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you! 
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