What's happening at The Harris Place
Well....The new year came and went without a problem (I was sure our toaster was going to breakdown).  Lydia is two now and WOW what a change!  She is really acting like a two year old!
Mom and dad are doing good.  We are planning a trip to Mexico in March! Should be FUN!
Hope to see everyone soon!!  Will keep posted of a get-together.
Some new pictures of Christmas (did Lydia ever make out!!).....
Lydia LOVES her new "BIG GIRL" bed (can you tell she loves Elmo and Barney?)"
Her new Sesame Street blanket....could not wait to put it on the bed to try it out
Her "farmer" look...
She did manage a HUGH haul at Christmas ....
Boo and Elmo....
This was her "Scare Hair" look after putting up her new plastic play house!....
The happy family !
Granny and Lydia
Corrine & Lydia...
The two of us !!
Some of Lydia's first professional pictures...she's SOOOOoo cute!
Please E-mail us and let us know how everyone is doing ..... harriss@psns.navy.mil
You are the person to stop by and visit!!
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