So, I realize that i have ALOT of updating and need to fix up this page. So, if you searched and somehow made your way through the wires to my page hoping fo find good Pyro things. I'm sorry it's not all it's cracked up to be. What a let down, i know, i know. I guess times are a-changing in my life and I am thinking of going about a different focus. SORRY! Cheers anyways to the old page and all the broken links... Thanks for your time and stopping by!
Pyro Test see how real of a pyro you are.
cool pyro page
Firework Central Tons of stuff, mostly pyrotechnic stuff.
Sky Lighter sells stuff.
Black Cat Fireworks
Buy stuff from the offical site.
Pyromania & Beer. Can't get much better then that, eh? cool messsage boards, lots of stuff.
Foo Fighters offical site
streetwise good bands here & stuff
subway good food.
yahoo YAHOO-my favorite search engine
hotmail we would all die if we didn't have hotmail, right?
mtv we all hate it, but still watch it anyways.
anywho look up people you care & don't care about
free samples gotta love free shit, right?
bmg rip them off and get a whole bunch of cool cd's for a penny
rolling stone website
x-krush a great local band
Eastern Illinois University get some college education and expand your MIND
Humboldt State University why not check it out?
The Student Conservation Association changing lives through service to nature
North American River Runners go white water rafting in West Virginia
Quiz Farm take lots 'o quiz's
Adult Swim on Cartoon Network, be sure to check out Aqua Teen Hunger Force!
Seti @ home do your part and search for extra-terrestrials at home!
e-mail me at the bar, and i should be able to get it! or at
Sign my guestbook, please!!