This was a big mistake.... See Ya!

What is PBEM RPG?

Thank you bold adventurer for seeking answers to what awaits you within these pages. If you wish to know more about me go to "bio.html". To most of you the PBEM stands for "play by e-mail". The vast majority of this site contains stories from several different fantastical worlds. If you have any interest in PBEM games or already participate, I strongly recommend you read Nick's Soapbox.  The "DM’s" (Dungeon Masters) or Story Crafters of these games must be given credit to the energy and imagination they apply to their worlds. The "Norse Campaign" is of my own design and I take full responsibility for its success and shortcomings. This game is no longer running. I left it up for others to explore and enjoy or simply use as a blue print for thier own games. Typically included is a "Links" page containing web sites that I have found merit your inspection if you so desire. New to the pages is a index of the characters I've writen and history of those that have passed on. If you like to see some pictures of mine Gallery site,   . If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to let me hear from you. I am always interested in a good story. I started a  rant page, so tell me to shut up, will ya!

This page is constantly under Never stop, Never give up the Fight! construction.

Let me hear from you.... Go ahead, make my day!

I wanna go home, I wanna go home.... This ain't Kansas Toto

This page © Copyright 1997,1998, Scott Alexander

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