Welcome to the Impossible X-
Force Trivia page. Yes, some are hard. Yes, you really have to be addicted to X-Force to get
any of these. However, every one of these questions has an answer, and was in an issue of X-
Force. I can answer every one of them. Can you?
- What is printed on Bobby DaCosta's bedsheets?
- What is the name of Rictor's hometown?
- From what redneck-sounding town does Domino claim her ex-husband hails?
- Once, when Rictor had to cook, the temperature gauge on the oven broke. What meal did
he murder?
- If you team splits up, dies, goes evil on you, etc., what do you do? You join X-Force, just
like Cable, Domino, Sam, 'Berto, Tabby, Ric, Jimmy and Caliban. What 5 now-defunct
teams were these characters formerly members of?
- What snack food does Caliban not want to be?
- What are the names of the 3 robots on Greymalkin?
- Describe the rampant plot hole surrounding Boomer's mother.
- How did Shatterstar learn Spanish?
- What is Cable's "lifeblood"?
- What bar did Copycat go to, right before Deadpool and Sluggo attacked her and killed her
friend Christina?
- What does PACRAT stand for?
- What is Ric and Shatterstar's favorite baseball team?
- What was Feral's favorite kind of bird?
- What animal did Sam Guthrie wave around in Professor X's face while trying to make a
- What is the name of the housekeeper at Cassidy Keep?
- What did Rictor call Stryfe the first time he saw him?
- What did X-Force bum around in before they got the PACRAT?
- What was the name of the girl who came on to Shatterstar in a certain dance club?
- Cannonball is frequently accused of using which two words?
- Right before Cannonball was killed, who messed up his blast field?
- What is Tabitha's favorite electrical appliance? Jimmy's?
- In English: What nonsensical German message appeared on a sign outside Verschlagen
Enterprises? Note: This is, without a doubt, the hardest question on here. It was the only one I
didn't make up off the top of my head.
- What color was Gideon's hair originally?
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