X-Force Trivia

Welcome to the Impossible X- Force Trivia page. Yes, some are hard. Yes, you really have to be addicted to X-Force to get any of these. However, every one of these questions has an answer, and was in an issue of X- Force. I can answer every one of them. Can you?

  1. What is printed on Bobby DaCosta's bedsheets?
  2. What is the name of Rictor's hometown?
  3. From what redneck-sounding town does Domino claim her ex-husband hails?
  4. Once, when Rictor had to cook, the temperature gauge on the oven broke. What meal did he murder?
  5. If you team splits up, dies, goes evil on you, etc., what do you do? You join X-Force, just like Cable, Domino, Sam, 'Berto, Tabby, Ric, Jimmy and Caliban. What 5 now-defunct teams were these characters formerly members of?
  6. What snack food does Caliban not want to be?
  7. What are the names of the 3 robots on Greymalkin?
  8. Describe the rampant plot hole surrounding Boomer's mother.
  9. How did Shatterstar learn Spanish?
  10. What is Cable's "lifeblood"?
  11. What bar did Copycat go to, right before Deadpool and Sluggo attacked her and killed her friend Christina?
  12. What does PACRAT stand for?
  13. What is Ric and Shatterstar's favorite baseball team?
  14. What was Feral's favorite kind of bird?
  15. What animal did Sam Guthrie wave around in Professor X's face while trying to make a point?
  16. What is the name of the housekeeper at Cassidy Keep?
  17. What did Rictor call Stryfe the first time he saw him?
  18. What did X-Force bum around in before they got the PACRAT?
  19. What was the name of the girl who came on to Shatterstar in a certain dance club?
  20. Cannonball is frequently accused of using which two words?
  21. Right before Cannonball was killed, who messed up his blast field?
  22. What is Tabitha's favorite electrical appliance? Jimmy's?
  23. In English: What nonsensical German message appeared on a sign outside Verschlagen Enterprises? Note: This is, without a doubt, the hardest question on here. It was the only one I didn't make up off the top of my head.
  24. What color was Gideon's hair originally?


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