Zoinks! More Quotes!

The old list was getting a bit dated, so here's some of my faves from more recent issues! (Stuff in ** is off-kilter commetns from me  :) )

"Since Meltdown's not here, someone has to blow something up." --Domino, X-Force #68

"Guess I just needed to blow something up." --Meltdown, X-Force #70

"Reality's a subjective thing." --The Vanisher, X-Force #70

"Well, if no one else is gonna ask, I will. What's with the hair?" --Meltdown, X-Force #70

"I'm just having a bad hair day." --Domino, X-Force #70

"The way I see it, everybody's a little freaky in their own way. It's kinda like we're all mutants. Y'know?" --Louise, the hippie woman in the shagadelic van, X-Force #71

"I swear, Domino, you're worse than my 4-year-old. I can't leave either one of your alone without you getting into trouble." --Dr. Rebecca Shuyler, X-Force #71

"Man, I gotta stop eating the whole box of Pop Tarts. I was okay when there were only six in the box... but eight definitely plays tricks on my mind." --Deadpool, -- X-Force #71

"That's what I need-- a jet pack!" --Meltdown, X-Force #71

"What about the talking cat?" --Siryn, X-Force #71 *Undoubtably, THE best quote on the list. Use it in your everyday life.  Often.*

"Hah! We eat punks like you for breakfast!" --Meltdown, X-Force #71

"Sometimes, having a conscience can be a royal pain." --Domino, X-Force #72

"I wish you could've been there-- I looked good in that suit." --Meltdown, X-Force #73

"Jimmy...Jimmy's dead!" --Siryn, X-Force #73 *I said this was my favorite quotes list.  Put that knife down, Red! I'm kidding! KIDDING!*

Bobby: There's something about a girl in cut-offs and cowboy boots... mmm mmm mmm...

Tabby: You are such a dog, Bobby.

Bobby: Bow wow. --X-Force #74

"I'm stuck here with nothing to do but wait. How long does it take to descend into the abyss and rescue a lost soul, anyway?" --Richie, X-Force #74

"Hey, guys, I know this is an alternative culture kind of event, but is that big ol' metal fella supposed to be ripping free of its mooring? Um, guys?" --Cannonball, X-Force #75

Bobby: Just call us the Ex-New Mutant Force.

Tabby: Let's not and say we did. --X-Force #75

"I'm in the zone." --Cannonball, X-Force #76 *This is only really funny because my tennis coach used to say it ALL THE TIME*

Well, that's all for now. What do you think, sirs?

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