Cool Links!

Here are some of my favorite places to cruise on the 'net!

D-Dawg's Swingin' Web Page My best bud Greg's page. Has tons of stuff about jazz, a weekly top ten and a really good Cajun recipe.

Fancy Catz's X-Men Fanfiction Page An excellent page with all sorts of good fanfiction. Fancy Catz was even kind enough to archive some of my X-Men stuff!

Sinister's Lair of X-Stuff The world's coolest place to find info, graphics and links to the X-Men and their splinter teams.

Okay, this is indisputably the most original page on the 'Net. I swear. Go to The Peep Art Homepage! Also features a link to the world's most heinous couch.

Like monkeys? Alf? Yoohoo? Wombats? Check out Slightly Better than Caca You won't regret it.

Please, please, for the love of Kenner, visit POFToo! The Action Figures in Action Whether you're an action figure fan, or just a Star Wars lover, this is THE site. BTW, I own my own Han Carb and I'm still on the lookout for Sparky the Bantha.

Greg's Neon Genesis Evangelion Page Hey, anime! How can you not love a show that features 3 mentally-unstable 14-year-olds in city-sized mechs, who are the only things that stand in the way of global destruction? Seriously, though, I love this stuff...

Go To The Chibi Anime Characters Adoption Agency

Hoorah! Chibi characters, and they need a home! Help the poor cuties out, won't ya?

Hey look! It's an X-Force page that's better than mine! It's Greymalkin

Red's Page, Whose Nifty Title I've Forgotten at the Moment Red Monster's page, it's devoted entirely to Siryn. And her love life. Plus, it's the home of "Stuff X-Force Will Never Say."

Cerebro Files: Siryn Another page about Siryn! Boy, she's popular! Very graphics intensive.

Cannonball's Homemade Homepage A cozy li'l site devoted to Sam Guthrie and his exploits. Features pics, stories, and more!

Screaming Like a Banshee Another nifty Siryn page (she sure gets around, don't she?) VERY nice to look at, and some fun stuff, too!

Love on the Run Darkchilde's wonderful page devoted to the memory of the Sam/Tabitha romance.

The X-FORCE Page I like the title. I really do. Anyway, this is another nice fan page, even without graphics. Features the word "splork". Splork!

Karrenia's Page Chock full of fanfiction, and Duran Duran! Who could ask for more?

Wanna see a link to your page here? Write to Desert Nomad.

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